browser freeware in Browser Tools downloads
2.0 freeware download... toolbars, buttons or bookmarklets piling up in your browser for every site you use, and no more looking for web publisher provided buttons. Shareaholic is ...
3.0.0 Beta 3 freeware download... as a bar at the bottom of your browser. Firebug also gives you fine-grained control over which websites you want to enable it for. ...
HTTPS Everywhere
2022.5.24 freeware download... not available over HTTPS. As always, if the browser's lock icon is broken or carries an exclamation mark, you may remain vulnerable to some adversaries ...
Symbaloo Bookmarker
1.0 freeware download... the extra button that appears in your FireFox browser. ...
0.94.12 freeware download... officially removed FireFTP and FireSSH support from the browser. Thus, I've ended support / development of the addons. I recommend switching to Waterfox to continue ...
Hide My Ass! Web Proxy
1.0.559 freeware download... in your favorite tyrannical regime. Encrypt your browser connection We’re like a VPN for your browser, encrypting your browser traffic to prevent anyone from spying on what ...
2.5.1 freeware download... machine, as if you were using the web browser yourself. There is no dependency on external service ... Sites, Reward Programs, Telecommunications and others. Which browser do I need? AccountLogon will work with ...
1.68 freeware download... from deletion. They are frequently used like standard browser cookies. Although their thread potential is much higher ... allowing to silently remove those objects on every browser exit. So this extension becomes sort of "install ...
Adblock Plus for Opera
4.16.0 freeware download... by Eyeo GmbH, is a robust and user-friendly browser extension designed to enhance your web browsing experience ... This software is particularly tailored for the Opera browser, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance. One ...
Tidy Favorites SE
5.1 freeware download... same convenient user interface in all of your browsers - IE, Firefox, and Opera! Too many bookmarks ... text-only favorites look exactly the same, cluttering your browser and becoming less and less usable with every ...
Reddit Enhancement Suite for Chrome
5.24.8 freeware download... Chrome, developed by Steve Sobel, is a powerful browser extension designed to elevate the Reddit browsing experience. ... it a standout extension in the realm of browser add-ons. Whether you’re a casual browser or a ...
History Spy for Facebook
4.0 freeware download... or view Facebook web history from popular web browsers. It helps in recovering or viewing Facebook history from following browsers, # Mozilla Firefox # Internet Explorer # Google ...
Google Selection Search
1.0 freeware download... for Windows Systems and it Works Across Different Browsers and Applications, you are able to Select Text ... And for Users who want to use Two Browsers they can Enable the Multi Browsers Check-Box, with ...
Reddit Enhancement Suite for Firefox
5.24.7 freeware download... Enhancement Suite (RES) for Firefox is a powerful browser extension designed to transform your Reddit browsing into ... ensuring that it does not bog down your browser's performance. The intuitive settings menu makes it easy ...
2.0.30 freeware downloadFirefox/Thunderbird/Skype/Chrome/Opera is a fast, but with the lapse of time it starts working much slowly. The reason is fragmentation of profile databases. A free tool SpeedyFox ...
URN Support
2.3.2009110401 freeware downloadURN Support is an Firfox extenstion that will redirect the URN links you choose to its related resource. "URN" - Uniform Resource Name is identifier ...
0.5 freeware download... gather information about browsing habits directly from your browser. ...
0.9.4 freeware downloadHolmsie is a simple HTML(5) problems detector for Mozilla Firefox. It uses the holmes CSS diagnostic stylesheet to highlight potentially invalid, inaccessible or erroneous HTML(5) markup. ...
Netcraft Toolbar
1.10.1 freeware download... purpose other than to deceive. Enforces display of browser navigational controls (toolbar & address bar) in all windows, to defend against pop up windows which ...
We Heart It
10.1.0 freeware download... computer. Installing the app on your web browser can be easily done, by using the "drag and drop" method to add it to the ...
4.4.2 freeware download... website delete cookies, show your public ip, change browser id, .... ...
7.1.0 freeware downloadEcosia, developed by the innovative team at Ecosia, is a unique search engine extension available for Google Chrome that seamlessly integrates environmental consciousness with everyday internet ...
Latest freeware download... Fast and light! Built exclusively for the chrome browser. ...
Adblock Plus for Safari
2.2.15 freeware download... million users, it is the world's most popular browser extension. Adblock Plus is an open source project created by Wladimir Palant in 2006. Eyeo was ...
Adblock Plus for Internet Explorer
1.6 freeware download... million users, it is the world's most popular browser extension. Adblock Plus is an open source project created by Wladimir Palant in 2006. Eyeo was ...