comic book archive freeware downloads
Comic Book Archive Creator freeware downloadEasily create Comic Book Archives (cbz, cbr, cb7, cbt). Accepts PDF, JPG, PNG, ...
1.1.15 Beta freeware downloadComicTagger is a simple software application great for adding metadata information, like comments and WEB links to comic archives. The first launch of the program ...
ComicTagger for Mac OS X
1.1.15 Beta freeware downloadComicTagger is a simple software application great for adding metadata information, like comments and WEB links to comic archives. The first launch of the program ...
STDU Viewer Portable
1.6.375 freeware download... documentation. Additionally STDU Viewer supports FB2, TXT, Comic Book Archive (CBR or CBZ), TCR, PalmDoc(PDB), MOBI, AZW, EPub, ... page into an image file, creating your own bookmarks, setting an action for tap screen and some ...