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FDTU freeware downloadUpdating of date and time of creation, change and opening of the chosen group of files and folders. Can be useful for the programs determining an ...
Easy Video Maker
12.12 freeware downloadEasy Video Maker provides the total solution of editing, creating, making Pro-Quality videos/movies. With Easy Video Maker, we can: 1. Create/Make high quality 2D or 3D ...
IsRunAs freeware downloadThe utility is intended for start of process on behalf of other user (use example: isrunas.exe -u user_name -p password c:/path_name/process_name.exe). ...
SplittingTwo ActiveX
1.0 freeware downloadThe ActiveX Element divides panes that can be adjusted against each other. In the middle of the horizontal or vertical division the mouse can drag a ...
Orion 7
1.0 freeware downloadThe game is mixture of Civilization and Colonization and in some way similar to them. System requirements Windows 2000 (DirectX 7 or 8), Windows 10 (DirectX12). ...
DBImprove ActiveX
1.0 freeware downloadThe ActiveX Element displays a form to get user input for all fields of a table to create a new database entry. The database is Microsoft ...
Statistics ActiveX
1.0 freeware downloadStatistics is a well tested element, which provides basic statistical calculations, such as average, variance, covariance and more. In addition it provides the values of the ...
MatrixShow ActiveX
2.0 freeware downloadDebugging tool for programmers. Shows the content of matrices, that are given as two-dimensional arrays. This can be done both in runtime mode and in design ...
Math ActiveX
1.1 freeware downloadThe element calculates determinants, linear equation systems and generates matrices. It provides additional basic functionality like faculty, subdeterminant and matrix reduction calculations. Further more an event ...
MonitorPack Asset
4.2.0 freeware download... Service) Cloud Application (Platform as a Service) and software on demand (SaaS or Software as a Service). MonitorPack consolidates your inventories, generates ...
MonitorPack Guard
5.5.1 freeware download... Service) Cloud Application (Platform as a Service) and software on demand (SaaS or Software as a Service). MonitorPack consolidates your inventories, generates ...
IsKillPs freeware downloadThe utility is intended for closing of group of the processes which are in memory (use example: iskillps.exe process_name.exe). This utility is a part of some ...
IPMSSend freeware downloadThe utility is intended for sending the message under the ICMP protocol with any text (use example: ipmssend.exe /host_name /message_text). This utility is a part of ...
Patient Manager
5.0.0 freeware download... to maintain records of their Patients digitally. The software allows Doctors to store personal, medical history of the patient. Symptoms, Allergy, disease history is maintained. ...
Confidential Free Edition
1.0 freeware downloadConfidential is a unique software in the world. It allows you to hide ... browsers, Confidential is compatible with Tor Browser. The software includes the management of authorizations to view data, ...
CertFromExe freeware download... assurance that the program comes from a known software vendor and that the program file has not ... malware) since it has been signed by the software publisher. So you should always test every program ...
SenCopy ActiveX
2.0 freeware downloadSenCopy protects programs and components, for example ActiveX, given out for shareware purposes by displaying a copyright message window. The window typically informs the user about ...
1.0 freeware downloadCoordiPoint is a unique small utility (613kb) that runs minimized in the system tray (notification area). It adds the ability to enable or disable (using a ...
1.11 freeware downloadHear to ebooks. Book notes and text to speech. Reads loud any text of epub, pdf or txt. A reading bookmark is set automatically to return ...
Arpegissimo Module Lite
1.1.0 freeware downloadArpegissimo Module Lite is midi arpegiator. You can use it as standalone or as VST 3 plugin in your host application which can load VST 3 ...
IPMI Browser
0.90 freeware downloadIPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) is a set of computer interface specifications for out-of-band management of computer systems. IPMI subsystem works independently of the host CPU, ...
CRSMon freeware downloadThe utility is intended for visually monitoring the CPU (Central Processing Unit) workload and RAM (Random Access Memory) of the computer, as well as to provide ...
1.3 freeware downloadLight weight, fast free 3D ViewerLight weight, fast free 3D Viewer Supports various 3D file format. Read : DWG, DXF, IFC, IFCZIP, STL, STEP, STP, OBJ, ...
Learn 2 Mix
1.0 freeware download... It consists of several steps using various free software tools: Learn 2 Mix DJ ProMixer and SaveVideo. ... operates independently or can be used with complementary software. DJ Sutra is based on DJ ProMixer but ...
1.3.1 freeware download... over the Internet. LCM has been developed for soft real-time systems: its default messaging model permits dropping messages in order to minimize the latency of ...