mac os freeware downloads

GUIDOLib for Mac OS X

1.5.1 freeware download

The Guido Engine Library is a generic, portable library and API for the graphical rendering of musical scores. The library is based on the GUIDO Music ...

RoboMind for Mac OS X

7.0 freeware download

RoboMind is a simple educational programming environment that will familiarize you with the basics of computer science by letting you program your own robot. In addition ...

Voxengo OldSkoolVerb for Mac OS X

2.13 freeware download

OldSkoolVerb is a freeware algorithmic reverberation AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional streaming, sound and music production applications. This plugin implements a kind of “classic” ...

Tonatiuh for Mac OS X

1.2.6 freeware download

The Tonatiuh project aims to create an open source, cutting-edge, accurate, and easy to use Monte Carlo ray tracer for the optical simulation of solar concentrating ...

ipswDownloader for Mac OS X

2.5.0 freeware download

This programm helps you find and download the firmware to any devaysu from Apple. I like a good friend and decided to help the program ported ...

Childsplay for Mac OS X

0.85.1 freeware download

Childsplay is an application designed to be used at home but it can also be used with great results in kindergartens. Python and PyGame based, it ...

SwingOSC for Mac OS X

0.70 freeware download

SwingOSC is an OpenSoundControl (OSC) server intended for scripting Java(tm), such as to create graphical user interfaces with AWT or Swing classes. It dynamically creates instances ...

HermeneutiX for Mac OS X

2.4.4 freeware download

HermeneutiX is a tool for diagramming syntactic and semantic structures of complex (not necessarily foreign-language) texts (e.g. bible parts or other historical excerpts). Respectively available ways ...

JigCell for Mac OS X

7.1.0 freeware download

JigCell is an effort to develop and maintain an open source modeling environment for computational biology. The goal of this project is to support building and ...

BitNami Jenkins Stack for Mac OS X

2.190.3 freeware download

BitNami Jenkins Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Jenkins and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native installer, as a virtual machine or ...

primesieve for Mac OS X

7.5 freeware download

primesieve uses the segmented sieve of Eratosthenes with wheel factorization, this algorithm has a complexity of operations and uses space. Segmentation is currently the best ...

EpiFire for Mac OS X

2.73 freeware download

EpiFire is a small, easy to use, handy application specially designed to help you simulate epidemics on contact networks. Now, you can make use of ...

Pismo Trace Monitor SDK for Mac OS X

23U freeware download

Pismo Trace Monitor is a Windows software development and support utility that facilitates efficient diagnostics output and logging in pre-release and release applications. It can be ...

Harmonic Manipulator for Mac OS X freeware download

This software computes synthesis of spherical harmonics models on sparse coordinates or grids (provided in a geodetic or geocentric reference system). It exploits basic parallelism using ...

Zenfolio Downloader for Mac OS X freeware download

Zenfolio Downloader is a free tool making it easy to download back original full size files previously uploaded to your Zenfolio account. Zenfolio Downloader was written ...

Adobe Configurator for Mac OS X

4.0 RC 2 freeware download

Adobe® Configurator 4 is a utility that enables the easy creation of panels (palettes) for use in Photoshop® CS5.x/CS6 and InDesign® CS5.x/CS6. Configurator makes it easy ...

ZeGrapher for Mac OS X

2.0.0 freeware download

ZeGrapher was designed to be a fast an easy-to-use mathematical function plotting application. This handy tool can be specially suitable for high school students that need ...

Kadu for Mac OS X

0.12.2 freeware download

New Kadu is a result of more than four months of KaduTeam's hard work. We focused on making history faster, improving Gadu-Gadu conferences support and network ...

Tuner for Mac OS X

1.04 freeware download

A musical instrument strobe tuner with cents and frequency display. With additional features useful for tuning accordions or melodeons. The strobe display may be disabled, if ...

Cain for Mac OS X

1.10 freeware download

Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. It can spawn multiple simulation processes to utilize multi-core computers. It stores models, simulation parameters, and simulation ...

PasswordMaker for Mac OS X

0.7.3 freeware download

A port of the Firefox PasswordMaker plugin to a standalone Java application. A few of the wider screenshots below are blurry due to Google limiting ...

Livid Looper for Mac OS X

1.2 freeware download

Designed to emphasize simplicity and hands-on control, short loops of audio can be sliced and transformed with built-in and VST effects. Gesture and Segment sequencers record ...

Freeplane for Mac OS X

1.11.14 freeware download

Freeplane is free and open source software to support thinking, sharing information and getting things done at work, in school and at home. The core of ...

Objeck for Mac OS X

4.1.0 freeware download

Objeck is an object-oriented computing language with functional features. The language has ties with C#, Pascal and Scheme. In this language all data types, except for ...

4k Video to MP3 for Mac OS X freeware download

4K Video to MP3 helps to get audio from any video you want just in one click. No annoying settings, nothing superfluous. Add the video and ...