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Advanced Renamer
3.94 freeware downloadFor more than 10 years Advanced Renamer has been ... files. The eight different methods makes it easy for you to change the names, attributes and timestamps ...
Advanced Renamer
3.84 freeware downloadFor more than 15 years Advanced Renamer has been ... files. The eight different methods makes it easy for you to change the names, attributes and timestamps ...
Advanced Renamer Portable
3.94 freeware downloadAdvanced Renamer is a freeware program for naming a large batch of files or folders in a snap. It uses several methods for creating the new names and it has tools ...
4.1 freeware download... languages. QuranReciter is a Quran MP3 Player designed for reciting a set of Quran MP3 files(more reciters ... on moving the mouse pointer over Arabic text for sura 1 and Amma Juz(Sura 78 to Sura ...