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5.7 freeware downloadThe abbreviation "MAMP" stands for: Macintosh, Apache, Mysql and PHP. With just a few mouse-clicks, you can install Apache, PHP and MySQL for Mac OS X! ...
10.0 freeware downloadEQMS Lite CRM has been designed simple keeping in mind, the need of small business, to help them organize sales process and accelerate growth. Typically Sales ...
Wise Memory Optimizer
4.2.0 freeware downloadWise Memory Optimizer helps you free up and tune up the physical memory taken up by some useless applications to enhance PC performance. Wise Memory Optimizer, ...
Disk SpeedUp freeware downloadDisk SpeedUp is a totally free and extremely fast defragmentation tool developed by Glarysoft to analyze, defrag and optimize disks or a single file/folder for peak ...
Echofon for Mac
1.7.0 freeware downloadEchofon for Mac – The minimal yet powerful Twitter app that syncs unread Tweets with your iPhone. Features: The Echofon interface was carefully designed ...
Montax imposer Free
1.8.2 freeware downloadMontax imposer is a plugin for Adobe Acrobat 6 or later (not Acrobat Reader). It is a tool for imposition, placing several pages from PDF document ...
Razer Synapse freeware downloadMaximize your unfair advantage with Razer Synapse 3, the unified hardware configuration tool that takes your Razer device to the next level. Get access to advanced ...
Montax Imposer Application Free
1.8.2 freeware downloadMontax Imposer is a standalone application for imposition, placing several pages from PDF document or images (jpg, tif, psd etc.) on one or more sheets. Montax ...
Ghostery for Edge
10.3.10 freeware downloadGhostery sees the invisible web - tags, web bugs, pixels and beacons. Ghostery tracks the trackers and gives you a roll-call of the ad networks, behavioral ...
Quick Startup freeware downloadWhen you turn on your computer certain applications, drivers, and services are automatically started at the beginning of each Windows session. The information that tells Windows ...
FinitySoft Memory Manager freeware downloadFinitySoft Memory Manager 4.0 is freeware memory manager program that defragments and reclaims memory from the operating system and leaking applications and dlls. This decreases load ...
4Sync freeware downloadYour files at hand With 4Sync you access your files anywhere from computer or mobile devices. There is no need to save your files on ...
4Sync for Mac
2.15.26839 freeware downloadYour files at hand With 4Sync you access your files anywhere from computer or mobile devices. There is no need to save your files on ...
Lomsel Total freeware downloadLomsel Total is a small tool that sums up numbers on the fly. The program was written for users of the SAP system that often use ...
Smart Defrag freeware downloadSmart Defrag is a dependable, robust, and user-friendly disk optimizer to gain optimal hard drive performance. In particular, it can intelligently streamline your files based on ...
Wise Memory Optimizer freeware downloadWise Memory Optimizer, developed by WiseCleaner, is a streamlined and efficient tool designed to enhance your computer's performance by optimizing its memory usage. This software stands ...
Volume Concierge
4.1.2 freeware downloadDid you ever wake up your neighbors or family by the extremely loud music because you forgot to lower your computer’s volume? Forget no more! Sound ...
ooVoo for Mac OS X
7.0.4 freeware downloadConnect with friends and family on any device ooVoo is everywhere. We’re available on Amazon Fire Phone, Android Smartphone, Android Tablet, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, ...
1.8.1 freeware downloadMemoryCleaner, developed by Kilho Oh, is a robust utility designed to optimize and manage system memory, ensuring your computer runs smoothly and efficiently. This software is ...
1.3.1012 freeware downloadPassMark ModemTest™ is an easy-to-use Windows based application that allows users to test their dial up modem. ModemTest performs low level testing that is independent of ...
PortableApps Updater
1.0 freeware downloadAs you probably know, most of the programs on portableapps.com don't have an update notification feature or, if they do, it's for the non-portable version (which ...
clrmamepro x64
4.048d freeware downloadclrmamepro x64 is a so-called ROM-manager. If you use M.A.M.E. you know the problem. With every new release a lot has been changed. New gamesets have ...
VSuite Ramdisk
1.18.1531.1240 freeware downloadVSuite Ramdisk is a simple-to-use solution for hard-disk bottleneck issue. It employs smart software algorithm, which effectively and efficiently simulates a hard disk using existing RAM. ...
Folder Backup for Outlook
1.11 freeware downloadA free tool to back up a single Microsoft Outlook folder whenever needed. Create an instant Outlook folder backup or restore the selected Outlook folder data ...
Zappit System Cleaner
1.1 freeware downloadZappit System Cleaner - FREEWARE to Clean Up and Speed Up your Computer: Safe and easy way to clean Windows, Internet Tracks, free up hard-disk space ...