linux software freeware downloads
MuniWin for Linux
2.0.21 freeware downloadThe C-Munipack is the software package, which offers the complete solution for reduction ... on Windows system. C-Munipack program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ...
DuMP3 for Linux GTK PPC
0.3.2 freeware downloadDuMP3 (derived from Duplicate MP3) is a Java program to find any duplicate or similar file. It finds files by calculating a fingerprint based on the ...
Opera Mobile Emulator for Mac and Linux
12.1 freeware downloadMaking sure that your site looks great and works exactly as it should in mobile browsers can often be a tedious process. Previously, if you ...
Angry IP Scanner for Linux
3.9.1 freeware downloadAngry IP scanner is a very fast IP address and port scanner. It can scan IP addresses in any range as well as any their ...
Openfire for Linux
4.8.1 freeware downloadOpenfire is a real time collaboration (RTC) server licensed under the Open Source Apache License. It uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, ...
Spark for Linux
2.8.3 freeware downloadCross-platform real-time collaboration client optimized for business and organizations. Spark is an Open Source, cross-platform IM client optimized for businesses and organizations. It features built-in ...
LoopAuditioneer for Linux Beta freeware downloadLoopAuditioneer is a software that allows users to listen to, create and evaluate loops and cues embedded in .wav file headers. The user can choose ...
Apache Wicket for Linux
10.0.0 freeware downloadWith proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, ...
Photon GameManager for Linux
4.06 freeware downloadGameManager is a program that is designed to automate the process of downloading game fan art, box art, screenshots, game info, official patches and organise the ...
CodeLobster IDE for Linux
2.6.0 freeware downloadCodeLobster IDE is a smart free cross-platform IDE primarily intended for creating and editing PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript files with support Drupal CMS, Joomla CMS, Magento ...
MuPDF for Linux
1.23.3 freeware downloadMuPDF is an easy to use, simple PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C. The renderer in MuPDF is tailored for high quality ...
view3dscene for Mac and Linux
3.18.0 freeware download... can make use of this useful piece of software to explore, view and analyze all the 3D images you want. Features: · Various ...
Vivaldi for Linux
6.8.3381.46 freeware download... cross-platform, created by the former CEO of Opera Software, built using modern Web technologies like React, JavaScript, Node.js, and Browserify. Major key features include Quick ...
AL-Anvar for Linux
0.6.0 freeware downloadAl-Anvar is a Quranic open-source and mutil-platform free assistant for Quran researchers. some features of this program: Advanced search word roots indexing arbitrary verse indexing ...
Grass GIS for Linux
8.2.0 freeware downloadCommonly referred to as GRASS, this is a free Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, ...
ippi Messenger for Linux
2.3.2705 freeware downloadThe ippi Messenger software allows you to call with your ippi account, ... on MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, and Gtalk. Our software is compatible with PC, Mac and Linux. ...
Shicks! for Linux
0.9 freeware download... POP3/SMTP server for small networks Open Source, Free Software (BSD-License), written in Python. Webbased administration / remote access. Runs on Linux and Windows. Includes spam detection: Keyword detection, DNSBL ...
Phoebetria for Linux
1.4.0 freeware download... controller on more operating systems than the official software. It offers all of the same features as the official software, with the exception of remote access, and has ...
Adobe Flash Player for Linux freeware download... The plugin is known to work on Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, ... Firefox web browser, as the popular Google Chrome software comes with built-in support for Adobe Flash Player. ...
Homer for Linux
0.25.1 RC 1 freeware download... easy-to-use, multi platform video conferencing application. The software supports an unlimited amount of simultaneous live video ... desktop screen. No server infrastructure is needed. The software supports low quality voice and picture transmission, as ...
Kirisurf for Linux
1.0.1 freeware downloadKirisurf for Linux was created as a small, accessible and open source HTTP tunneling software. Kirisurf was specially built to circumvent censorship as ...
Arduino for Linux
1.8.15 freeware downloadArduino for Linux is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone ... can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP). ...
Hard Disk Sentinel Linux
0.08 freeware downloadBy using the Linux console edition of Hard Disk Sentinel, it is ... The user must be root to use this software or start it with sudo. List of features: ...
FileScanner for Linux
1.0 B326 freeware downloadFileScanner for Linux is a simple, easy-to-use utility designed to detect ... inspected in detail with the help of this software application. ...
JFTP for Linux
5.0.1 B20120623 freeware download... is a graphical FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client software for transferring files from one computer to another ... variety of systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, UNIX and IBM i(AS/400) systems. JFTP integrates ...