expressions freeware downloads
4.0.73 B816 freeware download... an interpreter for quick and easy evaluation of expressions. It is a smart tool easy in use. Supports different data types (string, date, time, decimal, ...
Longsoft Calc++
2.9 freeware download... a handy calculator designed to help you evaluate expressions in the syntax of programming languages, such as C++, Assembler, Pascal. Also, calculator is simple ...
Free RegEx Editor
1.0.20 freeware downloadCreate, edit, and test RegEx Regular Expressions. Replace, format, and extract text in files using Regular Expressions. Perform GREP-like tasks, use RegEx substitutions, extract data!
File Punter freeware downloadUse regular expressions to copy/move files into new, dynamically generated destination folders. ...
4.1.0 freeware download... that allows you to build mathematical and logical expressions. It's written on C#. The library includes well-documented ... strings to expression tree, to analyze (derivate, simplify) expressions by using lexer, parser and etc. xFunc ...
4.1.0 freeware download... that allows you to build mathematical and logical expressions. It's written on C#. The library includes well-documented ... strings to expression tree, to analyze (derivate, simplify) expressions by using lexer, parser and etc. xFunc ...
0.9.2 freeware download... a Java library allowing to interpret simple numeric expressions, which may be used in all applications which have to combine numeric values, but do not ...
Face Control plug-in
2.00 freeware downloadFace Control plug-in allows you to change facial expressions of people in the digital photos. It is very easy-to-use freeware program. Human, animal, alien, or ...
Foreval freeware downloadForeval is compiler of mathematical expressions(formulas) with support complex numbers given as string at run-time. (math parser & compiler x86-32 CPU/FPU). Has a possibility of ...
ForevalZ freeware downloadForevalZ - compiler of mathematical expressions(formulas) with complex numbers given as string at 'run-time'. (math parser & compiler x86-32 CPU/FPU) . Present as "dll" library ...
Solway's Expression Calculator
1.2 freeware downloadCalculate expressions, e.g, sqrt((2 + 3) / 4.56). This is a calculator which enables you to see exactly what you are doing. Simplify your calculations, ...
3.1.6224 freeware download... teaching tool for the beginning user of regular expressions or as a full-featured development environment for the ... web designer with an extensive knowledge of regular expressions. Expresso Features I am pleased to ...
Free accounting online line calculator
1.04 freeware download... list of lines containing the math values or expressions. For example: 10 + 1 + 20 + ... errors. Contains URL generator for sharing your math expressions via web link. You may to save and ...
Maxima for Mac and Linux
5.44.0 freeware download... system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, and ...
grepWin x64
2.1.2 freeware download... search and replace tool which can use regular expressions to do its job. This allows to do much more powerful searches and replaces. ...
1.3 freeware download... it becomes programmers possible let calculate complex mathematical expressions in its projects (for example mathematics programs) during ... mathematical formula-parser is suited for the calculation of expressions without variable just as like for the calculation ...
6.0 freeware download... tool mainly, because the find-replace rules are regular expressions in .NET flavor. It also has an *ix ... and RegExpFileRenamer, offering find-replace rules expressed as regular expressions (.NET flavor). The editor part has grep, unique, ...
0.6.0 freeware download... can be used for parsing and evaluating math expressions. You can now use the Open Source Bracer ... your development process. Features: parse math expressions evaluate math expressions convert from infix to postfix ...
0.4 freeware download... faster, supports entire file system search, filters, regular expressions, command-line interface and more. The Core search engine ... -Command-line interface -Fast indexing -Fast files search -Regular expressions -Real-time updating -Search result export to .txt or ...
Fluent Validation for .NET
11.5.2 freeware download... .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules for your business objects. ...
Red Crab
8.3.1 freeware download... scientifical calculator with a full-screen editor. The mathematical expressions are not typed in a typical command line, but can be enter in the editor window. ...
Limagito FileMover freeware download... or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. Create directories based on the file name or date ...
LimagitoX File Mover
2019.01.19.0 freeware download... or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. Create directories based on the file name or date ...
Xmart Calculator
1.2 freeware downloadXmart Calculator is appreciated as an intelligent, programmable and expandable calculator based on text expression. Users can define personal functions and all calculations are step-by-step traceable. ...
8.7 freeware download... overwhelm you, because it contains numerous buttons, mathematical expressions, symbols and tabs that might get you confused, especially if you are a novice user. But ...