mac x freeware downloads
wxMaxima for Mac OS X
19.01.2 freeware download... wxWidgets and runs natively on Windows, X11 and Mac OS X. wxMaxima provides menus and dialogs for many common maxima commands, autocompletion, inline plots and ...
Adobe Flash Player for Mac OS X freeware download... from the Advanced tab you can deauthorize your Mac in order to prevent Adobe Flash Player from ... operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux®, Mac OS, and Windows®. H.264/AVC software encoding for ...
GnuCash for Mac OS X
5.5 freeware download... GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, ...
Aegisub for Mac
3.2.2 freeware downloadAegisub for Mac is a general-purpose, open-source SubStation Alpha subtitle editor that was created to help in many aspects of subtitle typesetting, timing and editing ...
Panoply for Mac
5.4.3 freeware downloadPanoply for Mac is a cross-platform application which plots geo-gridded arrays from netCDF, HDF and GRIB datasets. Panoply is designed to help you view and ...
Hamachi for Mac OS X freeware download... Distributed teams in minutes. LogMeIn Hamachi for Mac OS X is a hosted VPN service that securely connects devices and networks, extending LAN-like network ...
Fing for Mac
3.5.1 freeware download... speed of light. Once installed on a Windows, Mac or Linux computer, your home, office and corporate network are just one click away. Born ...
TestDisk & PhotoRec for Mac OS X
7.2 freeware download... LVM and LVM2, Linux Logical Volume Manager * Mac partition map * Novell Storage Services NSS * NTFS ( Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 ) * ReiserFS 3.5, ...
Air Video for Mac
2.4.3 freeware download... the desktop Air Video Server app (for either Mac or Windows) and the iPhone app, but once that's done, it's easy streaming city for you, ...
Speak-Freely for Mac OS X
7.6a freeware downloadSpeak Freely is an Internet telephone for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and various flavors of Unix that allows you, with appropriate hardware and software, to send and ...
MilkyTracker for Mac
1.03.00 freeware downloadMilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user experience of ...
Prey for Mac
1.12.9 freeware downloadPrey lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen. ...
jUploadr for Mac OS X
1.2 Alpha 1 freeware downloadjUploadr is a cross platform, cross-site Photo uploader. Currently it runs on Windows Linux and OS X and supports both Flickr and Zooomr. It allows you ...
Jhead for Mac OS X
3.00 freeware downloadExif Jpeg header manipulation tool Things jhead can extract from an Exif jpeg file: * Time and date picture was taken * Camera make ...
Synfig Studio for Mac
1.4.5 freeware downloadSynfig is a powerful, industrial-strength vector-based open-source 2D animation software package, designed from the ground-up for producing feature-film quality animation with fewer people and resources. While ...
FreePOPs for Mac OS X
0.2.9 freeware downloadTranslates local POP3 requests to remote HTTP actions on the supported webmails FreePOPs is an easily extensible program, which allows access to the most varied ...
wxPython for Mac and Linux
4.2.1 freeware downloadwxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface, simply ...
AFELO for Mac OS X
11.04 freeware downloadCompressing images and sending them to your website has never been so easy before. AFELO allows to select images on your local computer, to resize and ...
Group Explorer for Mac OS X freeware downloadGroup Explorer is mathematical visualization software for the abstract algebra classroom. It helps the user visualize group theory, builds students' intuition, and enables experimentation with groups. ...
Faceless Internet Connection for Mac OS X
1.102.0 freeware downloadFaceless Internet Connection is a tool that allows you to navigate on the Internet anonymously and access restricted websites, even if they are not available in ...
XnView MP for Mac OS X
1.8.6 freeware downloadXnView MP, developed by Pierre E Gougelet, is a versatile and powerful multimedia viewer, browser, and converter that stands out in the crowded field of image ...
AVCHDCalculator for Mac OS X
1.2 freeware download... GUI are available. It is also multi platform. Mac OS X, Linux and Windows! Features: ... Support for 3 audiotypes * multi platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux AVCHDCalculator is released in ...
ooVoo for Mac OS X
7.0.4 freeware download... Android Smartphone, Android Tablet, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac, Windows Phone, and PC. Get the video ... clarity and crystal clear audio. ooVoo for Mac OS X is completely and totally free and ...
Pidgin for Mac OS X
2.14.13 freeware downloadPidgin for Mac OS X is a chat program which lets ... all at the same time. Pidgin for Mac OS X is compatible with the following chat ...
dupeGuru Picture Edition for Mac OS X
4.1.1 freeware download... pictures matching. dupeGuru PE runs on Windows and Mac OS X. dupeGuru PE is efficient. Not ... kind (PNG, JPG, GIF etc..) and quality. On Mac OS X, dupeGuru PE can scan your iPhoto ...