windows to mac freeware downloads
QM for Mac OS X
5.0.1 freeware download... Real-Time Embedded Frameworks (RTEFs). QM™ is available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS hosts. QM is a cross-platform modeling tool created with the purpose of helping ...
Zenkit for Mac
1.0.8 freeware download... beautifully distraction-free Zenkit window - Open multiple Zenkit windows to work on multiple collections at a time - Jump to your main Zenkit window with ...
RemindMyMoney for Windows 64
4.0.0 freeware download... your reminder with different device (another pc, a mac or an Android smartphone). You can set the reminder also on Google Calendar (if you have ...
tlReader for Mac OS X freeware downloadtlReader is a simple-to-use application designed to help you view the content of TLex, tlTerm and tlDatabase files in a comfortable environment, without needing to install ...
ipswDownloader for Mac OS X
2.5.0 freeware download... and decided to help the program ported to Windows. Supported devices: · Apple TV 2G, · iPad 1G · iPad 2G Wi-Fi · ...
MathMod for Mac OS X
11.1 freeware download... a portable interactive plotting and graphing program for Windows, Linux, MacOSX and many other platforms. MathMod allows to plot 3D mathematical surfaces, described by implicit ...
Quick Hash for Mac OS X
3.1.0 freeware downloadQuick Hash is an application that allows rapid hashing of text strings, single files, recursive directory hashing of thousands of files. All output hashes that ...
Pixlr for Mac OS X
2.1.1 freeware download... as well. Note from developer: Pixlr for Mac and Windows has been retired. We built Pixlr for Mac and PC for people who wanted to add ...
KchmViewer for Mac OS X
7.7 freeware download... and EPUB viewer written in C++ for Unix, Mac and Windows systems. Unlike most existing CHM viewers for Unix, ... good response time and runs smoothly, without causing Windows to freeze, crash or pop up error messages; ...
OpenShot Video Editor for Mac
3.2.0 freeware download... following operating systems: Linux (most distributions are supported), Windows (version 7, 8, and 10+), and OS X (version 10.9+). Project files are also cross-platform, meaning ...
Valentina Studio for Windows
9.6 freeware downloadFREE GUI Manager for Mac/Win/Lin to work with: * LOCAL files of Valentina DB and SQLite and * MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Valentina ...
MusicBrainz Picard for Mac OS X
2.12 freeware downloadMusicBrainz Picard is a cross-platform (Linux/Mac OS X/Windows) application written in Python and is the official MusicBrainz tagger. Picard supports the majority of audio file ...
5.2.2 freeware downloadGRAMPS for Mac OS X is developed to help you keep ... investigate genealogy trees professionally. GRAMPS for Mac OS X allows you to export the data ...
smcFanControl for Mac OS X
2.6 freeware download... Thanks to smcFanControl you can now keep your Mac cool and reduce the overall system temperature before ... becomes unbearable. smcFanControl is a practical and user-friendly Mac OS X utility that enables you to easily ...
Valentina Studio for Mac
9.6 freeware downloadFREE GUI Manager for Mac/Win/Lin to work with: * LOCAL files of Valentina DB and SQLite and * MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Valentina ...
FolderWasher for Mac
1.15 freeware download... begin with period like ".DS_Store" files created by Mac OS X. When copying folders from Mac OS X to Windows, these files become visible... and annoying - see ...
Veusz for Mac OS X
3.6.2 freeware download... are also supported. The program runs under Unix/Linux, Windows or Mac OS X, and binaries are provided. Data can ...
EdiMarker for Mac
1.3.2 freeware downloadEdiMarker for Mac converts MIDI files containing Pro Tools markers into ... Tools and Nuendo. Available for OS X and Windows, the program is licensed as donationware. FEATURES ...
NanoStudio for Mac
1.45 freeware downloadNanoStudio for Mac is a recording studio. It has virtual analogue ... to copy the exported .wav file to your Mac/PC. Effects NanoStudio's reverb, compressor, parametric EQ, ...
Serviio for Mac OS X
2.4 freeware download... technology and therefore runs on most platforms, including Windows, Mac and Linux (incl. embedded systems, e.g. NAS). ... Supported media files: · Audio: MP3( .mp3), Windows Media Audio (.wma) · Video: MPEG-1 (.mpg, .mpeg), ...
Funambol for Mac OS X
8.7.3 freeware download... a PC or an address book on a Mac with Funambol's server. You can sync an Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile device, or Symbian phone with Funambol's server. ...
VPNBook for Mac OS X
freeware download... need to download any software, works with all Windows, Mobile and PS3 Devices) Server #1: Server #2: Server #3: (US VPN ...
Tresorit for Mac OS X
3.5.2475.1420 freeware download... of the keys are stored locally on your Mac, Windows PC, or Android device. Easy access to ...
Musepack for Mac OS X
1.95z2 freeware download... Try to use also MPC Batch Encoder. A Windows frontend for the MusePack encoder and decoder, for Tag and for ReplayGain. ...
KiCad for Mac OS X
8.0.2 freeware downloadMake professional PCB layouts with up to 32 copper layers. KiCad now has a push and shove router which is capable of routing differential pairs and ...