logical freeware downloads
Logical Crossroads
1.52 freeware downloadSet of logical games. Includes: - Free Renju. Logical game, a variation of the well known Japanese ...
Logical Stones 2004
1.0 freeware downloadAn OpenGL puzzling logic game for people who like revelations The aim of the game is to push all the stones to the level's exit points ...
LogicCircuit freeware downloadLogical Circuit, developed by Eugene Lepekhin, is a sophisticated ... need for physical components. At its core, Logical Circuit offers a robust platform for designing and ...
DriveImage XML
2.60 freeware downloadImage and Backup logical Drives and Partitions DriveImage XML is an ... program for imaging and backing up partitions and logical drives. Image creation uses Microsoft's Volume Shadow ...
Hanoi Towers
1.0 freeware downloadSimple logical game. It is just another implemetation of the well-known Hanoi Towers game. The goal is to move all bricks from the left position ...
Crazy Sets
1.7 freeware downloadLogical combination game. You must find three cards in the laying, where shape, quantity, color and filling of the painted symbols are exactly equal or ...
Free Renju
5.03 freeware downloadFree Renju is a logical board game. It implements two variations of the well known Japanese board game (Renju-Gomoku family): Free Renju and Gomoku. Main ...
Crazy Objects
3.2 freeware downloadCrazy Objects is a logical puzzle. On a 8x8 game field are different shaped objects distributed. There are triangles, rectangles or circles. Eliminate this objects ...
Crazy Change
2.1 freeware downloadCrazy Change is a logical puzzle. The aim of the game is to move the blue crosses, which are at the beginning situated on the ...
Crazy Hexagon
2.3 freeware downloadCrazy Hexagon is an logical puzzle. Rotate the hexagons by clicking on them and order the chaos. The puzzle is solved, if in all sectors ...
Crazy Matrix
2.3 freeware downloadCrazy Matrix is an logical combination game. Push the buttons and the effect will surprise you. Only if all lamps are on, you can cheer. ...
Crazy Change
2.2 freeware download... the original Windows version. Crazy Change is a logical puzzle. The aim of the game is to move the blue crosses, which are at the ...
Drives Monitor
18.1 freeware download... information about the functioning of each physical or/and logical disk (the amount of free and used space ... in settings you can switch between physical and logical drives, exclude drive letter (or disk number in ...
Logic Expression
3.00 freeware downloadProgram Logic Expression (LE) calculates and analyzes the logical (Boolean) expression. Supports logical operators: negation, conjunction, disjunction, exclusive disjunction, implication and ... useful tool for developers when calculating and analyzing logical expressions. Can also serve as a means of ...
Crazy Hexagon
2.4.2 freeware downloadThe Crazy Hexagon is a regular hexagon and consists of 6 equilateral triangles of different colors. If you subdivide each of these triangles into 4 more ...
Drives Monitor
17.0 freeware downloadUtilizes Performance Monitor data to visualize physical or logical disk activity. For each physical/logical disk, % active ... bytes read and written per physical/logical disk * Logical partitions on the same disk are grouped * ...
8.6.1 freeware downloadLogicalDOC is an enterprise electronic document management system, which, ... the organization, can be universally accessed. Using LogicalDOC to manage documents at your company, will be ...
3.1 freeware download... suggests, Logframer uses the basic structure of the logical framework or logframe to describe various components of a project, such as the objectives, the activities, ...
Crazy Fits
1.4 freeware downloadIn this game you find a board of 8x8 squares. The game tiles, which you can place on the squares of the board, contain four small ...
Crazy Pattern
2.4 freeware downloadThe game area is 18x14 matrix. In this area a lot of different symbols are distributed at random. On the right you see a pattern of ...
Crazy Tangram
2.9 freeware downloadFive triangles in 3 different sizes, one square and one rhombus are the seven pieces, every Tangram is consisting of. If you prefer the more figurative ...
Crazy Digit
2.1 freeware downloadThe game consists of 5 sticks and a gamefield. It will be possible to create 55 different figures with the 5 sticks connected together, turned or ...
ADRC Hard Disk Hex Editor
1.01 freeware download... to access and edit any sector location of logical or physical data device in Windows operating system. The tool is written with novice users ...
Active Partition Manager freeware download... helps you to manage storage devices and the logical drives or partitions that they contain. You may ... Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, Unix UFS, BtrFS. Create a partition or logical drive (volume);Format a logical drive or partition (FAT, ...
4.1.0 freeware download... application that allows you to build mathematical and logical expressions. It's written on C#. The library includes well-documented code that allows developers to parse strings ...