timer freeware in Automation Tools downloads
Turn Off Timer Portable freeware downloadTurn Off Timer is a simple utility programmed in java that ... the computer shuts down or restarts when the timer gets to 0 ...
Vista Shutdown Timer
1.8.3a freeware downloadSkinnable interface, support for IR remote controls, OSD (On Scree Display), Wake up function, command parameters, "advanced force Shutdown". Kill hanging programs, classic modus, Tray-Menu, Shortcut ...
1.00 freeware downloadThe automatic hold-the-mouse speed feature for Windows is the right desktop tool if mouse speed changes frequently! On some Windows operating systems, the mouse speed often ...
Puran Shutdown Timer
1.2 freeware downloadIt is a free utility that can help you schedule various shutdown tasks including shutdown, restart, log off, hibernate, lock, sleep on various events. You can ...
3.45 freeware downloadAn off timer prevents the PC, monitor and standby from being ... Windows and, optionally, to activate and deactivate the timer when it is started and how it should ...
5.77 freeware download... Automatically hide the mouse cursor with an adjustable timer, it is the right desktop tool when the ... small program - Low CPU usage - Adjustable timer - Optional translation function - Portable ...
5.91 freeware download... keyboard and / or mouse events with adjustable timer: - Customizable Auto turn off timer for the monitor! - Customizable auto sleep timer for the computer! - Auto switching to another ...
6.33 freeware download... showing feature of the desktop icons, an adjustable timer and arbitrary activation options. It is the right desktop tool if the desktop is awash with ...
1.77.1 freeware downloadDShutdown (Dimio's Shutdown) is a stand-alone program that let you schedule the shutdown and the wake up of a local or remote PC. He supports, beyond ...
Don't Sleep
9.71 freeware download... Apart from the fact Don't Sleep has a timer that allows time control unblock, or shutdown the computer for a specified time. Don't Sleep does ...