language editor freeware downloads
BDV Notepad
5.2 freeware downloadBDV Notepad is lightweight but feature-rich plain text editor and can be used as a replacement for ... designed for developers or Web-designers only. This text editor may help everyone, who works with plain text ...
BowPad Portable
2.9.4 freeware download... Stefan Küng, is a versatile and lightweight text editor designed to cater to the needs of both ... support for over 100 file types and programming languages, making it an indispensable tool for developers working ...
AB-Edit freeware downloadAB-Edit is the comfortable text editor for work with multiple documents. Lots of usefull features, i.e. Drag'n'Drop, unlimited Undo/Redo, colored Syntax Highlighting for more than ...
2.05 freeware downloadUniRed is Unicode editor of simple ("plain") text. It can edit texts ... colors and/or text styles. UniRed supports many program languages, including HTML, C/C++, Delphi, Java and others. (This ...
Minimum Profit for Linux
5.61 freeware downloadMinimum Profit is a reliable and highly-featured text editor designed especially for programmers. Features: Fully scriptable using a C-like scripting language. Unlimited undo levels. Complete Unicode support. Multiple files ...
0.9 freeware download... include additional effects and (hopefully) a custom script language that will allow you to create and share your own glitch algorithms. Input images should be ...
3.4.2 freeware download... (pronounced as hex) is an open source programming language. While most other languages are bound to their own platform (Java to ... to the Flash Player), haXe is a multiplatform language. It means that you can use haXe ...
haXe for Mac OS X
3.4.2 freeware download... (pronounced as hex) is an open source programming language. While most other languages are bound to their own platform (Java to ... to the Flash Player), haXe is a multiplatform language. It means that you can use haXe ...
haXe for Linux
3.4.2 freeware download... (pronounced as hex) is an open source programming language. While most other languages are bound to their own platform (Java to ... to the Flash Player), haXe is a multiplatform language. It means that you can use haXe ...
0.7.20 freeware downloadEditra is a text editor which has an implementation that focuses on creating ... autocompletion and syntax highlighting for more than 60 languages. Highlighting color schemes can be customized through writting ...
1.9.5 freeware downloadGtranslator is an enhanced gettext po file editor for the GNOME desktop environment. It handles all ... plugin system with many interesting plugins like Alternate Language, Insert Tags, Open Tran, Integration with Subversion, Source ...
2.0.1 freeware downloadMetroTextual is a text editor inspired by Microsoft’s Metro Design Language. It’s designed to be a visually appealing replacement ...
CotEditor for Mac OS X
3.9.7 freeware download... Highlighting Colorize more than 50 pre-installed major languages like HTML, PHP, Python, Ruby or Markdown. You ... can jump to the corresponding line. Split Editor Split a window into multiple panes to ...
7.2.8 freeware download... that provides full-featured screen capture tool, intuitive image editor, color picker, color palette, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair ... FreeHand * Repeat Last Capture Image Editor * Intuitive User Interface (Do not need ...
4.4 freeware download... Runtime Simulator) An IDE for MIPS Assembly Language Programming MARS is a lightweight interactive development environment (IDE) for programming in MIPS assembly language, intended for educational-level use with Patterson and Hennessy's ...
Alternate Pic View Portable
3.460 freeware download... the link or directly start the EXE-file. The language has to be changed once, using menu entry >View-Language. The following tools are included - ...
TeXmacs for Linux freeware download... a laptop. The software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical picture editor and a tool for making presentations from a ...
TeXmacs for Mac OS X freeware download... a laptop. The software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical picture editor and a tool for making presentations from a ...
TeXmacs for Windows freeware download... a laptop. The software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical picture editor and a tool for making presentations from a ...
0.92 freeware downloadMathCast is an equation editor, an application that allows you to input mathematical ... files, or to MathML - today's leading standard language for describing mathematics. MathCast is a ...
3.5 freeware downloadEJE is a light and user-friendly editor for the Java programming language. Many others tools exist to write Java code, ... been created for who wants to learn Java language but not a complex IDE. FEATURES: ...
Ynote Classic
2.5 freeware download... an easy to use fast and advanced text editor with a tabbed interface and multiview. It has ... Auto Indent and autocompletion. It can highlight any language you like using Regular Expressions. It can deal ...
2.0.0 freeware downloadRuneWeb is a basic html editor, Runeweb is great for people who are learning ... to help people learn the hyper text markup language. RuneWeb has a built in preview option so ...
11.4.7 freeware downloadW3C's Editor/Browser Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update ... started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support ...
Write Bangla Offline Pad
2.0 freeware downloadWrite Bangla Offline Pad is a text editor for Bangla, which you can use to write the English equivalent of any text. Using this tool, ...