utility freeware in Education downloads
Stellarium for Linux
24.2 freeware downloadStellarium for Linux is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the ...
Stellarium for Mac OS X
24.2 freeware downloadStellarium for Mac OS X is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see ...
InWords Amanuensis
4.6 freeware download... with WinZip, available from winzip.com (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often C: -- ticking off the (user folder names) option. To ...
2.3.0-31 freeware downloadImage with three graphs: Dispersion graph, related to ABK and CMJ jumps on an IUB (arms using index). Stripchart, related to SJ and CMJ jumps ...
1.7 freeware downloadEpwing2Anki may be used to automatically or semi-automatically create Japanese Anki vocabulary cards based on a provided list of words and one or more of your ...
Chronojump for Linux
2.3.0-31 freeware downloadImage with three graphs: Dispersion graph, related to ABK and CMJ jumps on an IUB (arms using index). Stripchart, related to SJ and CMJ jumps ...
Talking Alphabet
3.7.1 freeware downloadTalking Alphabet is the perfect way for toddlers and children to learn their ABC's and 123's! Talking Alphabet’s unique design appeals to children and lets them ...
Talking Alphabet for Mac OS X
3.7.1 freeware downloadTalking Alphabet is the perfect way for toddlers and children to learn their ABC's and 123's! Talking Alphabet’s unique design appeals to children and lets them ...
HissenIT CrococryptFile Training Course - Portable
1.0a freeware download... of CrococryptFile can be compared to a ZIP utility that uses ZIP's AES encryption. However, there are significant differences. CrococryptFile... - encrypts all file and ...
3.1.24 freeware downloadMacSpice simulates and analyses electronic circuits that can range in complexity from a single resistor to an integrated circuit comprising tens-of-thousands of devices. It has users ...
Learn 2 Mix
1.0 freeware download... software included: (Save Video - DJ ProMixer). Application utility buttons. Turn the page. Go to the beginning - end of the book. Current pages - ...