tweak bios freeware downloads

VMWare Tweaker freeware download

"VM Tweaker" is a hidden features tweaker for VMWare "*.vmx" files. Originally started as a simple VM guest time tweaker it gradually evolved into quite a useful tool. ...

CrystalCPUID (32 bit) freeware download

A handy CPU tweak CrystalCPUID is a useful application that shows detailed information about the processor, the chipset, bios and cache. It contains a real time clock ...

CrystalCPUID (64 bit) freeware download

A handy CPU tweak for Windows x64 CrystalCPUID for x64 bit ... shows detailed information about the processor, the chipset, bios and cache. It contains a real time clock ...

NVIDIA System Tools

6.08 freeware download

... is an applications suite designed to help you tweak your video card and improve its performance. ... updates * Adds ability to update your system bios * Includes support to update firmware of Enthusiast ...

Phenom II Tweaker

1.1 freeware download

Phenom II Tweaker is a utility for modifying the reported CPUID, ... cpu p0 freg/1024 (!), then you must change bios or operating system settings, or leave TSC alone! ...

5 freeware award