find and replace with text freeware downloads

Multiple File Search and Replace

3.010 freeware download

... as a comprehensive tool for webmasters, web developers, and search engine optimizers who need to manage extensive websites with complex codes and numerous pages. It is specifically ...

Text Processor Lite

1.0.0 freeware download

Text Processor - The Superfast & Powerful, modern and feature pack text processing with 14+ functions Merge text, Compare text files, Split text, Add text, Remove ...

Edi - Text Editor

3.102 freeware download

Edi can separately edit document layout and the text content. This feature is especially useful when you ... the same format. Moreover Edi is a normal text editor. It can edit text, tables and pictures ...


2.1.8 freeware download

**grepWin: A Powerful and User-Friendly File Searching Tool by Stefan Küng** ... an exceptional file searching utility designed to simplify and expedite the process of finding and replacing text ...

PDF Replacer

1.8.8 freeware download

... PDF format is not easy to be modified and changed. So, sometimes, it is troublesome for you ... you may need to modify some words or replace text in a PDF file, especially if you ...

Portable grepWin

2.1.8 freeware download

... grepWin, developed by Stefan Küng, is a robust and versatile tool designed for users who need a powerful search and replace utility that can be carried on-the-go. This ...

grepWin x64

2.1.2 freeware download

... a useful program that allows you to search and replace text in multiple files at the same time. It ... lets you filter this search by providing you with some configuration options. For example, you can enable ...


3.6 freeware download

metapad is a small, fast (and completely free) text editor for Windows 9x/NT/XP/Vista/7 with similar features to Microsoft Notepad but with many extra (and rather useful) features. It was ...

5 freeware award


1.6 freeware download

Text Encryption Application. Uses a costly method in-processing. The ... be adapted according to the size of the text to get appropriate encryption times (long enough to ...


1.2.Free freeware download

... program, which allows you to change/replace multiple letters and phrases at a time. It is easy to create and save lists of changes/replacements, so that you can ...

TextConverter Basic

24.5.21 freeware download

Again and again, different computer users face the problem, that they have to edit some things in many text files. Text passages have to be deleted from ...

BabelPad freeware download

BabelPad is a free Unicode text editor for Windows that supports the proper rendering of most complex scripts, and allows you to assign different fonts to different ...


8.7.7 freeware download

... Notepad++, developed by Don HO, is a powerful and versatile text and source code editor that has garnered a loyal following among programmers, web developers, and casual users alike. This open-source software, available for ...


6.0 freeware download

This is a programmer tool mainly, because the find-replace rules are regular expressions in .NET flavor. It also has an *ix like grep and unique capability. More complex cases could be solved ...


5.7.0 freeware download

... by The jEdit Team, is a powerful, open-source text editor that caters to the needs of programmers and developers. This versatile tool is built in Java, ...

Win32Pad freeware download

Win32Pad - Free, small, fast and powerful text editor Win32Pad is a feature filled text editor that is written with a programmer in mind. Its main purpose is ...

5 freeware award


0.43 freeware download

A modern configuration of the powerful and famous Vim, Cream is for Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and FreeBSD. Why Cream? Vim is a powerful and full-featured text editor, the popular descendant of the ...


2.0.100 freeware download

ATPad is a simple Notepad replacement written in pure C and Windows API. Keeping simplicity of Notepad it provides ... * Tabbed environment - especially useful for working with multiple files (for example, logs). * Fully customizable ...

BDV Notepad

5.2 freeware download

BDV Notepad is lightweight but feature-rich plain text editor and can be used as a replacement for standard Windows Notepad. Program can work with files of any size, supports shortcuts, multilevel Undo/Redo, ...

Ynote Classic

2.5 freeware download

Ynote Classic is an easy to use fast and advanced text editor with a tabbed interface and multiview. It has intelligent Syntax Highlighting, Code Folding , Auto Indent and autocompletion. It can highlight any language you like ...


1.60.0 freeware download

... of software that can help you edit your texts and documents, although it can do more, such as file viewing and handling. Atom is a desktop application based on ...


0.7.20 freeware download

Editra is a text editor which has an implementation that focuses on creating an easy-to-use interface and features that aid in code development. Currently this application supports basic autocompletion and syntax highlighting for more than 60 languages. Highlighting ...

Notepad3 freeware download

Notepad3, a swift, Scintilla-based text editor, excels in syntax highlighting, rendering it a superior replacement for the default Windows text editor. While Windows Notepad is known for its ...


0.1 freeware download

AgPad is a small, fast and powerful freeware general purpose text editor. Currently this application supports code completion for JavaScript and syntax highlighting for many languages. In addition, ...

Tag Clinic freeware download

... using existing tag data or data you create, with a straightforward interface that allows the quick creation ... files, or an entire folder of files. Preview and edit new names before they're applied, and undo ...