keywords freeware downloads
1.5.4 freeware download... from the URL bar with support for Mozilla keywords and Microsoft Quick Search. Themes & Skins K-Meleon is one of the simplest browsers ...
Wise JetSearch
4.1.4 freeware download... drives in just a few seconds. Input your keywords, select the drive and then start to search. ... that it can only find exact matches to keywords. Features: Quick search Free of charge ...
4.1 freeware download... Min., Sec. Photo Number, free text, picture counters, keywords, keyboard entries, ...) . File as 'IMG_01234.jpg' can be renamed as 'TGMDev-31-Dec-2011-16-51-26.jpg' or 'Lumix-FZ45-01234-2011-Dec-31-16-51-26.jpg'. PhotoRenamer 4.1 ...
TagEZ freeware download... offers are - + It insert TAGs / keywords into EXIF header of photos following industry standard. So you can search photos using any tools ...
4.3.0 B7640 freeware download... ranking in the search engines for your important keywords, so you can see at a glance rather ... can see which sites are bidding on certain keywords; whether they continue to bid on these keywords ...
FreeMat for Windows
4.2 freeware download... Function Declarations * anonymous ANONYMOUS Anonymous Functions * keywords KEYWORDS Function Keywords * varargin VARARGIN Variable Input Arguments * varargout ...
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4.2 freeware download... Function Declarations * anonymous ANONYMOUS Anonymous Functions * keywords KEYWORDS Function Keywords * varargin VARARGIN Variable Input Arguments * varargout ...
FreeMat for Mac OS X
4.2 freeware download... Function Declarations * anonymous ANONYMOUS Anonymous Functions * keywords KEYWORDS Function Keywords * varargin VARARGIN Variable Input Arguments * varargout ...
4.8 freeware download... Group access for a Project. Notes and Keywords: · Adding notes and keywords are an effective way to find documents later ... on non-normal criteria. If you can, add predefined keywords or descriptions in notes to sets of documents ...
DocHaven for Linux
4.8 freeware download... Group access for a Project. Notes and Keywords: · Adding notes and keywords are an effective way to find documents later ... on non-normal criteria. If you can, add predefined keywords or descriptions in notes to sets of documents ...
DocHaven for Mac OS X
4.8 freeware download... Group access for a Project. Notes and Keywords: · Adding notes and keywords are an effective way to find documents later ... on non-normal criteria. If you can, add predefined keywords or descriptions in notes to sets of documents ...
1.6.0 freeware download... Spam Word Filter that searches messages for known keywords. User-defined words and regular expression can be added. ... Features: · Intelligent recognition of Spam-Mails with keywords. · List of friends, who will never be ...
OkeOke.Net freeware download... offers google style search function, just type in keywords and it will start searching automatically. Keywords also support masking characters including ? (for single ...
Spamihilator Portable (x32 bit)
1.6.0 freeware download... Spam Word Filter that searches messages for known keywords. User-defined words and regular expression can be added. ... Features: · Intelligent recognition of Spam-Mails with keywords. · List of friends, who will never be ...
Spamihilator Portable (x64 bit)
1.6.0 freeware download... Spam Word Filter that searches messages for known keywords. User-defined words and regular expression can be added. ... Features: · Intelligent recognition of Spam-Mails with keywords. · List of friends, who will never be ...
Adobe Media Player
1.7 freeware download... find the shows you want to see using keywords or tags. Continuous play Have your own marathon of all the episodes of your favorite ...
2.7.154 freeware downloadClicksAndWhistles is a free IRC client for Windows. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of real-time Internet text messaging allowing you to communicate with others ...
Fresh HTML
3.70 freeware download... etc. - Easier to fill in Meta keywords, description & author. You can use it to optimize your site in search engines's position. - ...
Copernic Agent Basic
6.20 freeware download... many fields * Search within found results using keywords or Boolean queries * Save and archive found pages * Generate exhaustive search reports * Keyword ...
2.3.1 freeware download... also support the internet web wallpapers. Specifying some keywords for pictures, and the server selects picture's URLs from the database and sends one to the ...
1.9.3 freeware download... uses very limited punctuation and usually prefers English keywords, some punctuation is used to decorate Ruby. Ruby needs no variable declarations. It uses simple naming ...
MooSick Minimal Music Player
0.10 freeware download... Notifications if window is hidden Advanced Search using Keywords, Masks or SQL Selectors ...
Black Hole
1.2.1 freeware download... be cleared without question or only if some keywords are found within it. Deleting Files and Folders : Black Hole can delete files and folders ...
Garmin POI Loader
2.7.3 freeware download... the file name for valid speed information and keywords to indicate proximity alerts (for example, "redlight," "camera," or "safety"). If the speed or proximity information ...
OBO Site GatherAIR
2.2 freeware download... $DESC - description of website $KEY - website keywords $AUTH - website author $TITLE - title of html page $WIDTH - width of swf file ...