for windows freeware downloads
AntiTrack for Windows 10
1.0 freeware downloadWant Windows 10 To Stop Tracking You? Now You Can ... Especially when there is no way to stop Windows from doing it. Fortunately, there is a solution ...
HD Video Media Player for Windows
2018 freeware downloadVideo Media Player is the perfect player for Windows to play ALL audio / video files with ... a powerful player, quality and easy to use for both beginners and experienced users. No need to ...
Zapgrab, screen capture for Windows 7
Windows7 freeware downloadZapGrab is a fast and easy screen grabber for to copy everything appears in your computer screen. ... you want to capture. Zapgrab is a mega-tool for capturing either the whole screen, a window, a ...
Valentina Studio for Windows
9.6 freeware downloadFREE GUI Manager for Mac/Win/Lin to work with: * LOCAL files of ... easy beats by features even commercial applications, especially for SQLite and PostgreSQL. *** Schema Editor *** * ...
Renamer by EatMe for Windows 7 / 10 freeware downloadWindows 7 / 10 Installer for Renamer by EatMe * create shortcut on desktup ... in installer and program * installs into c:winutilrenamer for write acces to undo files created site for ...
Windows 8.1
Preview freeware download... download: If you’re using an English version of Windows, you can only install Windows 8.1 Preview from the Windows Store if your OS base language is English ...
PDF Reader for Windows 7
3.0 freeware download... you with incompatibility issues, this program PDF Reader for Windows 7 is an absolute joy. Fast loading and easy to read. PDF Reader for Windows 7 allows you to open, read, view, ...
Norton Satellite for Windows 8 freeware downloadScan your personal cloud for viruses and malicious links. Save and share safely with Norton Satellite. Designed and optimized for Windows 8, it lets you manually scan files ...
MADARA for Windows x64 bit
3.0.0 freeware downloadMADARA for Windows x64 bit or the Multi-Agent Distributed Adaptive Research ... suite is a collection of middleware and tools for real-time system developers. MADARA for Windows x64 ...
X-VPN for Windows - Unlimited Free Proxy
17.0 freeware download... to the internet. X-VPN provides a powerful VPN for Mac, Windows computers, Android, and Apple mobile devices. With X-VPN, ... security, and freedom online, then X-VPN is designed for you. Download and Try! You will gain 500MB ...
Sequencer for Windows 8
freeware downloadSequencer for Windows 8 features variable length tracks supporting 16 to ... user defined synthesizer presets - Virtual channel presets for quickly copying synth settings between channels Notes/Hints: ...
Windows Media Player 12
11.2501.9.0 freeware downloadWindows Media Player is available for the Windows, Windows Mobile, and Mac operating systems. Learn more about ... that you have. Designed by media lovers, for media lovers. Windows Media Player 12 plays more ...
USB Blocker for Windows
5.0 freeware downloadWindows USB Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block or Unblock USB Storage Devices on any Windows computer USB devices are one of the primary ...
Windows 8.1 x64
Preview freeware download... download: If you’re using an English version of Windows, you can only install Windows 8.1 x64 Preview from the Windows Store if your OS base language is English ...
ImLab for Windows
2.3.4 freeware downloadImLab is a free open source graphical application for Scientific Image Processing that runs in Windows, Linux and many other UNIX systems. It supports multiple windows, data types including 32 bit integers, 32 bit ...
PDF2Printer for Windows 10
1.02 freeware downloadBy default Windows 10 does not have the ability to print ... to print PDF to a printer from any Windows application or anywhere in Windows Explorer you right-click ...
Splashtop 2 - Remote Desktop for Windows RT freeware downloadSplashtop 2 – Remote Desktop for Windows RT gives you high-performance remote access to your PC or Mac from your Windows RT tablet. Splashtop is the ONLY remote access ...
InterFace for Windows freeware download... Social Network with Instant Chat Messenger as Add-on for the Dooble Web Browser .. There ... Browser Addon and integrated into the Web Browser for Windows users both is integrated in the Installer, ...
TeXmacs for Windows freeware download... what you want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured documents with different types of content ...
JMARS for Windows
3.1.5 freeware downloadJMARS is an acronym that stands for Java Mission-planning and Analysis for Remote Sensing. It is a geospatial information system ... it has branched out to work with data for Earth and the Moon, for which separate versions ...
Polaris Office + PDF for Windows
7.1.311 freeware download... anytime and anywhere. Polaris Office Highlights Editing capabilities for all document formats in a single program: Edit ... in all platforms including iOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Windows and Mac OS through Polaris Drive. Easy cloud ...
psutil for Windows Vista (x32 bit)
5.6.5 freeware downloadpsutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information on all running processes and system ... uptime * tty It currently supports Windows and FreeBSD, with Python versions from 2.4 to ...
Boxcryptor for Windows
2.3.403.402 freeware download... wrong hands. Boxcryptor is the right encryption solution for all private and business needs. Once you have ... the go anywhere and anytime. Our Boxcryptor apps for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry 10 give ...
Mallet for Windows
2.0.7 freeware downloadMALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic ... applications to text. MALLET includes sophisticated tools for document classification: efficient routines for converting text to ...
Biopython for Windows (x32 bit)
1.83 freeware downloadBiopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers. It is a distributed ...