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Show Hidden Files
2.0.6 freeware downloadShow Hidden Files on your Mac If you are a webmaster, software developer, or advanced user, you may find yourself ... ALL FILES and HIDE HIDDEN FILES on your Mac. This can be done with a few lines ...
3.30.1 freeware downloadjHepWork ("jWork") is an interactive environment for scientific computation, data analysis and data visualization designed for scientists, engineers and students. The program incorporates many open-source math software packages into a coherent interface using the concept ...
Flash Flipping Book Builder
1.0 freeware download... book. Support output HTML, exe (PC), app (MAC), ZIP (email), even mobile device. Create flipping pages with ... with page turning effect. You can set background for the flipping book with simple operation and you ...
7.2.4 freeware download... time ago. Wotja is the evolutionary path forward for Mixtikl users and the Wotja app can do much more. A Powerhouse for iPhone/iPod touch, Windows Mobile, Mac & PC, Web ...