comparer freeware downloads
Kiwi FREE PDF Comparer
2.0.0 freeware downloadKiwi is a powerful software that uses advanced algorithms, many of them created specifically for this, to detect and show differences between two PDF documents. It's ...
Fruit Nutrients Comparer
1.0 freeware downloadThis tool allows you to check nutrition facts and make reports for hundreds of fruits, it also lets you compare different fruits by creating a comparison ...
Portable Xinorbis
8.3.1 freeware downloadXinorbis is a simple but powerful hard disk analyser. Using a sophisticated mix of graphs, tables and tree displays, it gives the user a complete overview ...
8.3.1 freeware downloadXinorbis is a simple but powerful hard disk analyser. Using a sophisticated mix of graphs, tables and tree displays, it gives the user a complete overview ...
6.0.1 freeware downloadAccuRev is a software configuration management tool which addresses complex parallel and distributed development environments with its stream-based architecture, to accelerate your development process and improve ...
Portable ExamDiff freeware downloadExamDiff is a freeware Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/2008 tool for visual file comparison. It is quick and very simple to use, and has a number of convenient features ...
Avro Editor
0.95 freeware downloadAvro Editor is a Java based, handy application designed to enable you to view, edit or compare your Avro binary files. This tool will enable you ...
dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle
5.5.100 freeware downloaddbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle is a reliable easy-to-use tool to compare and synchronize data of Oracle schemas. You can quickly analyze data differences ...
Diffuse for Linux
0.4.8 freeware downloadDiffuse is small and easy to use graphical tool for merging and comparing text files. Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of files side-by-side ...
2.0.0 Build1926 freeware downloadSizeMe scans a selected directory for the size of each item. Then it compares that to the given media size, and gives you a list over ...
BinCoMerge freeware downloadBinCoMerge (in GNU General Public License Version 3) is a tool to compare and merge binary files in a hexadecimal point of view. Unlike text ...
FileCompare freeware downloadFileCompare is a useful application that can compare two folders of files in binary (recursive) to see if they are identical. The program provides users ...
Spreadsheet Compare
1.39.0 freeware downloadSpreadsheet Compare (Excel compare) is a Microsoft Excel Add-In, written in VBA, that performs a cell-by-cell comparison of Worksheets within the same or different Workbooks. Requires ...
FileAlyzer freeware downloadFileAlyzer is a tool to analyze files - the name itself was initially just a typo of FileAnalyzer, but after a few days I decided to ...
2.1.3 freeware downloadDiffPDF can compare two PDF files. It offers two comparison modes: Text and Appearance. DiffPDF is used to compare two PDF files—textually or visually, is developed ...
Opcion Font Viewer Portable
1.1.1 freeware downloadFor viewing fonts, seeing how they would appear applied to your name/logo/tagline, and keeping track of which fonts best suit the job is the purpose of ...
Opcion Font Viewer
1.1.1 freeware downloadFor viewing fonts, seeing how they would appear applied to your name/logo/tagline, and keeping track of which fonts best suit the job is the purpose of ...
Portable RegShot
1.9.0 freeware downloadRegshot can snapshot the registry and an entire drive or portion of a drive before and after a given event and then compare the two snapshots ...
1.1.3 freeware downloadBinDiff is a very small but effective application that can be deployed via command-line to have it compare different versions of a binary file. As ...
BinDiff for Mac
1.1.3 freeware downloadBinDiff is a very small but effective application that can be deployed via command-line to have it compare different versions of a binary file. As ...