data parser freeware downloads
ECMWF Parser
1.0 freeware download... needed to be made to handle the extensive databases necessary to this project successfull completion. ECMWF Parser was one such case and by now the ...
Excel Serial Data Writer
4.0.70 B502 freeware downloadThis data export plug-in for Accurate Printer Monitor allows to export real-time data to Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or LibreOffice Calc. ... This module has the following features: Data can be written to Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc ...
MPEG Parser
1.0 freeware downloadMPEG Parser is the program for viewing of internal structure ... fields of structures of MPEG file consists. MPEG Parser show such data about MPEG file: Resolution, Frame ...
4.0.91 B816 freeware download... of connecting industrial electronic devices. Advanced Serial Data Logger's MODBUS RTU/ASCII and MODBUS TCP plugin can work in two modes:: Data query and parser - the plugin sends MODBUS ...
Digital Inputs Filter
4.1.49 B530 freeware downloadThe filter module "Digital inputs filter" for our data loggers (for example, Accurate Printer Monitor ) is ... that provides a method to exclude less significant data records from the final data export. The module ...
3.3 freeware download... NBU, NBF, NFB, NFC and ARC backup file parser, extractor and viewer. It can help you check ... Suite and Ovi Suite) users to access their data stored in backup files in as much comfortable ...
Events generator
4.0.52 B627 freeware downloadThe filter module "Events generator" for our data loggers (for example, Advanced Serial Data Logger) is an additional module that allows you ... to send emails or execute files if the data packet or any parser item contain a user ...
Local sharing plugin
4.0.69 B823 freeware downloadData export module "Local database" for program Advanced Serial Data Logger represents a set of tools for exporting any parsed serial data to different popular formats, such as: Microsoft Excel, ...
Internet sharing plugin
5.0.1 Build 207 freeware downloadIs a additional plugin for the Advanced Serial Data Logger software is intended for the bytes received by the Advanced Serial Data Logger software and selected from the stream by ...
1.2.5 freeware downloadJiBX is a tool for binding XML data to Java objects. It's extremely flexible, allowing you ... code to a schema that represents the same data. It also provides very high performance, outperforming all ...
Script Execute
4.0.63 B719 freeware downloadThe filter module "Script execute" for our data loggers (for example, Accurate Printer Monitor ) is ... languages. Within scripts you can change values of parser variables or/and add new variables to the export. ...
Adobe XMP Library for ActionScript
1.0 freeware download... for ActionScript consists of three parts, namely a data model, a parser and a serializer. The data model represents a set of XMP data in memory and offers an API to create ...
Miraplacid Binary and Text DOM SDK
3.2 freeware download... which works on .Net platform accompanied with documentation, data files and examples. Miraplacid Binary Document Object Model ... known formats. It can be used for binary data analysis and modification. How it works: of course, ...
Miraplacid Binary and Text DOM SDK
3.2 freeware download... which works on .Net platform accompanied with documentation, data files and examples. Miraplacid Binary Document Object Model ... known formats. It can be used for binary data analysis and modification. How it works: of course, ...
Html Agility Pack
1.12.0 freeware download... to work with malformed HTML. Unlike many other parsers that struggle with non-standard or broken HTML, this ... makes it an invaluable tool for web scraping, data extraction, and automated content analysis. The library ...
1.2022.9.8 freeware download... can then be saved and used to parse data or it can be imported into Word. PDFDataNet2Text is a free, sub product of PDFDataNet which ...
mvCentral freeware download... the metadata online using Last.FM as the primary data source. The plugin will support a base set of filen ames and folder layouts. The parser is flexible and through the use of custom ...
1.1.11 freeware download... IWIR documents for correctness in their control flow, data flow, data types and syntax both when parsing existing IWIR ... Schema · Validation of IWIR Condition expressions · Data-flow validation and Control-flow cycle detection · Name and ...
MiTeC XML Viewer
6.5.0 freeware download... helps users open XML files, print or save data to BXM file format. Hierarchical and text ... interpretation Web and Content preview Very fast SAX parser Large files up to available memory Simple XML ...
Rapid Database Extractor freeware downloadExplore and manipulate SQL Server and Oracle database content: Manage SQL Server and Oracle data sources. Manipulate database objects. Interactively edit SQL code. Selectively execute SQL ...
Alternate TextBrowser Portable
4.300 freeware download... USB-stick and used on several computers without leaving data residues like configuration settings or registry-values. This program makes it easy to browse through text-files ...
Simple USB Logger
1.7 freeware download... usage. Convenient UI helps to study the captured data quickly and effectively. Distinguishing features: Simple Monitoring Technology. ... USB redirection software of any vendor! Advanced URB parser. Simple USB Logger can display the structures of ...
du2rrd for Linux
0.0.6 freeware download... art Ajax Web GUI. It uses RRDtool for data storage and graphing. du2rrd takes ouput from ... du2rrd will create two different views on the data. We create two maps, a global one for ...
PyQt4 for Linux
4.12.3 freeware download... classes that integrate with open-source and proprietary SQL databases. It includes editable data models for database tables that can be used with GUI classes. ... implements SAX and DOM interfaces to Qt's XML parser. The QtXmlPatterns module implements XQuery and XPath support ...
PyQt4 for Mac OS X
4.12.3 freeware download... classes that integrate with open-source and proprietary SQL databases. It includes editable data models for database tables that can be used with GUI classes. ... implements SAX and DOM interfaces to Qt's XML parser. The QtXmlPatterns module implements XQuery and XPath support ...