window freeware downloads
Tell When Done
1.6.0 freeware downloadIf you are a Windows users you often encounter situations where you cannot ... You probably start switching back and forth between windows to check for completion and continue whatever you ...
WMA to AAC Converter
2.0.1 freeware downloadWMA to AAC Converter enables you convert WMA (Window Media Audio Codec) to MPEG4 AAC Audio. Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) is a standardized, lossy compression and ...
2.1.20 freeware download... as the cursor is moved in the ColorPix window. A cursor click displays the color code in web Hex and decimal Red, Green, Blue, along ...
Power Magic
1.1 freeware download... right side of the computer display, the program's window will pop-up. You have several power commands, such ... you to enable the 'forced' commands, meaning that Windows forces all programs that are running to quit ...
Privacy Hide
3.0 freeware download... dragging and droping a target image on the Window of the application that the user wants to ... with the hotkey keystroke. Moreover, the Privacy Hide windows tray icon can also be hidden and there ...
Anuran freeware download... at any moment. It incorporates a timed popup window that accepts your text input, which it then archives into simple, timestamped, plain-text logfiles. Unlike other ...
PDF Previewer for Windows 10
1.02 freeware download... content is shown in the Preview pane of Windows Explorer or in the Reading pane of Microsoft ... via the PDF Preview Handler interface in Microsoft Windows 10. Thumbnail PDF Icon The icon of your ...
Takemote Lite
1.3.1 freeware download... software. It aims to visualize and control any Windows application or Desktop with a tablet, a smartphone or a remote computer (iOS, Windows and Android). It's easy, multi-client, multi-window and multi-control. ...
Takemote Lite
1.3.1 freeware download... software. It aims to visualize and control any Windows application or Desktop with a tablet, a smartphone or a remote computer (iOS, Windows and Android). It's easy, multi-client, multi-window and multi-control. ...
PDF Password Remover
7.6.4 freeware downloadPDF Password Remover is a windows utility that removes PDF owner password and PDF ... the locked PDF onto the PDF Password Remover window then the remove task will start immediately. PDF ...
TextFilter Print, eMail and PDF Button
0.1.1 freeware download... a button that, when clicked, overlays a modal window with conversion options (so users won't leave your site). TextFilter Print, E-Mail and PDF Button is ...
Screen Grab Pro
1.8 freeware download... screen for ease of use, Timer operation, Current window selection list and more. Screen Grab Pro copies a bitmap to clipboard ready for pasting in ...
4Menu basic CD front end
1.558 freeware download... user simply inserts the CD, then a menu window will be shown with simple buttons: a click on one of the button starts your file. ...
Vocabulary Master
1.4.899 freeware download... at regular interval. Words are displayed in the window on your screen so you are constantly reminded of these words which leads to easier remember ...
Cute Sticky Notes for win8 10+ freeware download... Easy Searching text in notes. Pin notes to window or program(e.g. web browser, word, excel). Let notes stay on top, or pin notes to desktop, ...
Cute Sticky Notes for win7 XP Vista freeware download... Easy Searching text in notes. Pin notes to window or program(e.g. web browser, word, excel). Let notes stay on top, or pin notes to desktop, ...
Earl freeware download... allows you to convert .URL files into standard Window shortcut files (.LNK). This can be helpful if ... doesn't understand .URL files but does understand standard Windows shortcuts. For instance, some icon docks won't handle ...
Happytime Media Client
2.6 freeware downloadHappytime media client supports playing local media files and network streams, it supports various media file formats, It supports rtsp, rtmp network streaming. It supports simultaneous ...
1.0.1 freeware download... application, which is started, will be recorded. Each window, which will be open, will be saved in a file. You can see in a cleary ...
GoProd for Mac freeware download... absolute no-brainer. Drop your images onto the app window and get the resulting images a few moments later. Try for yourself: - Cut out people ...
AltMove manager
2.1.8 freeware download... easy-to-use mouse enhancement manager Can move and size windows which do not support this ability Can move and size controls on windows and change parent window. Can change opaque of ...
Print screen capture
3 freeware download... save it to a file, copy it to Windows. ZapGrab is an American computer software company dedicated to screen capture. ZapGrab is the world's leading ...
Show Windows
2.0 freeware download'Show Windows' is the command-line tool to manage Windows opened by all running processes on your system. With current version of ‘Show Windows’ you can do following things, * View all ...
Don't Panic! freeware download... (by executable filename or keywords present in the window title) - Open up to 3 programs (files) ... (other then the one selected as default in Windows) - Predefined software paths (includes paths for all ...
Mighty Desktop
2.2 freeware download... top modern and improved form to enhance your Windows Desktop by a lot. It can boost your ... icon positions, repairing blank icons - Reacting on windows when they appear - Backup of files - ...