windows p freeware downloads

PicsArt for Windows UWP freeware download

... tool, and the #1 all-in-one photo app for Windows. Plus, a social network for connecting and sharing with friends. Join the movement to “go beyond ...

Zenkit for Windows

1.0.8 freeware download

... beautifully distraction-free Zenkit window - Open multiple Zenkit windows to work on multiple collections at a time - Jump to your main Zenkit window with ...

Cypher Notepad for Windows freeware download

Nowadays there's no shortage of applications which provide encryption, but as new software becomes increasingly features-heavy, simplicity falls to short supply. Cypher Notepad is the essence ...

Effie for Windows

1.14.3 freeware download

... Download and use Effie on all your devices, Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android coming soon, to enjoy the seamless writing, mind mapping, brainstorming and ...

Turbo VPN Download for Windows

2.18.0 freeware download

... access websites Basic Free VPN Service Turbo VPN Windows provides a basic free VPN service, you can automatically connect to the optimal server. But if ...

Freeware Windows SD Card Recovery Tool freeware download

Corrupted SD Card Data Retrieving Tool facilitates user with stop button so that user can easily stop recovery process as per the needs and requirements. Memory ...

BitTornado for Windows

0.3.18 freeware download

TheSHAD0W's EXPERIMENTAL BITTORRENT CLIENT BitTornado is a powerful and easy-to-use BitTorrent client. BitTornado (TheSHAD0W's EXPERIMENTAL BITTORRENT CLIENT) was developed as a simple to use ...

Art of Illusion for Windows

3.2.1 freeware download

Art of Illusion is a free, open source 3D modelling and rendering studio. Many of its capabilities rival those found in commercial programs. Highlights include subdivision ...

Aqsis Renderer for Windows

1.8.2 freeware download

Open source 3D rendering solution adhering to the RenderMan standard Aqsis is a cross-platform photorealistic 3D rendering solution, adhering to the RenderMan interface standard ...

KS Project Planner for Windows

4.0.5 freeware download

KS-ProjectPlanner FreeWare This is a very leightweight but powerfull project management solution with tons of features. Built on top of the KS-Gantt control it offers all ...

Blink Qt for Windows

3.2.0 freeware download

Blink is elegant, simple to use and feature-full You can use it with any SIP provider or its own fully-featured SIP service. Blink ...

IcePaHC for Windows - Icelandic Treebank

0.5 freeware download

Queries the Icelandic Treebank via a graphical interface. Use IcePaHC to study variation and change in syntax or to train statistical parsers. Uses same format as ...

pdfsam for Windows

4.1.4 freeware download

Split and merge pdf documents, it's free, open source and platform independent. Requirements: pdfsam branch 1: Java Virtual Machine 1.4.2 or higher pdfsam branch 2: ...

Retroshare for Windows

0.6.7a freeware download

RetroShare: secure communications with friends RetroShare is a Open Source cross-platform, private and secure decentralised communication platform. It lets you to securely chat and share ...

Rlab for Windows

2.1.05 freeware download

Rlab is an interactive, interpreted scientific programming environment. Rlab is a very high level language intended to provide fast prototyping and program development, as well as ...

Biopython for Windows (x32 bit)

1.83 freeware download

Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers. It is a distributed collaborative ...

Openfire for Windows

4.9.2 freeware download

Openfire, developed by Jive Software, is a robust and efficient real-time collaboration server that stands out in the realm of instant messaging and group chat solutions. ...

Spark for Windows

2.8.3 freeware download

Cross-platform real-time collaboration client optimized for business and organizations. Spark is an Open Source, cross-platform IM client optimized for businesses and organizations. It features built-in ...

Jigsaw for Windows

2.2.6 freeware download

Jigsaw is W3C's leading-edge Web server platform, providing a sample HTTP 1.1 implementation and a variety of other features on top of an advanced architecture implemented ...

zphoto for Windows

1.2 freeware download

What's zphoto? zphoto is a flash-based photo album generator. You can create a flash-based on-line album from photos taken by a digital camera. ...

mpgtx for Windows

1.3 freeware download

mpgtx a command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox, that slices and joins audio and video files, including MPEG1, MPEG2 and MP3. mpgtx was designed with ...

Mallet for Windows

2.0.7 freeware download

MALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text. MALLET ...

MADARA for Windows

3.0.0 freeware download

MADARA or the Multi-Agent Distributed Adaptive Research Allocation suite is a collection of middleware and tools for real-time system developers. MADARA is composed of several ...

BASS for Windows (x32 bit)

2.4.17 freeware download

BASS is an audio library for use in software on several platforms. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient sample, stream (MP3, MP2, ...

JigCell for Windows

7.1.0 freeware download

JigCell is an effort to develop and maintain an open source modeling environment for computational biology. The goal of this project is to support building and ...