codes freeware downloads
Password Sentinel
5.6.0 freeware download... is to manage and keep safe passwords, access codes, important dates, figures, numbers, etc. This is the most reliable solution to store and protect personal ...
AllMyNotes Organizer FREE Edition
3.21 freeware download... bills, bank account information, telemarketing, investments, taxes, organizeaccess codes. * Password management, e.g. Generate unique and complex passwords for all web-sites, no more need to ...
CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader freeware downloadQR Codes (also known as Quick Response Codes) are becoming more and more popular. These two dimensional codes composed of square dots are now used in ...
Error Lookup Portable
2.6 freeware download... source tool which can help by translating error codes into a more meaningful text description. The interface ... The program also supports a wide range of codes: regular Windows errors, DirectX, NTSTATUS errors, Windows Internet ...
Error Lookup
2.6 freeware download... get the error description. Can work with Windows codes, DirectX, NTSTATUS (Native API), WinInet, Device Manager, STOP (BSOD), RAS/VPN, Ip Helper library error codes. To activate portable mode, create "errorlookup.ini" in application ...
1.10 freeware downloadDesigning Web Pages one often wants to copy colors from an example. ckRGB is a very handy tools to do this. The program is a "Color ...
MediaCodeSpeedEdit freeware download... for your media and to add new media codes to your firmware by renaming an already available ... this swapping is done by renaming the media codes, so the choosen media code can not be ...
1.3 freeware download... a barcode you see on most products. QR codes are a great way to share information like ... I love the ease ability of QR codes, just a quick scan, and the content is ...
Yorick for Windows freeware download... simulations or calculations, postprocessing or steering large simulation codes, interactive scientific graphics, and reading, writing, or translating large files of numbers. Yorick includes an interactive ...
Yorick for Mac OS X freeware download... simulations or calculations, postprocessing or steering large simulation codes, interactive scientific graphics, and reading, writing, or translating large files of numbers. Yorick includes an interactive ...
1.6.6 freeware download... a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of “.class” files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI for instant access ...
JD-GUI for Mac
1.6.6 freeware download... a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of “.class” files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI for instant access ...
JD-GUI for Linux
1.6.6 freeware download... a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of “.class” files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI for instant access ...
Keep It (a) Secret!
2002B freeware downloadKeep all your passwords, userid's, codes, etc. safe and secure in just one place. - In todays world there are so many codes, that you have to remembers - now you ...
2.1.20 freeware downloadColor codes are show as the cursor is moved in ... for web text and graphics - Display color codes in web hex and RBG decimal; also the ...
USPS Postage Rates and Tracking
1.0 freeware download... calculate the current postal rates between two zip codes. You will need to provide the two zip codes and the weight. All available shipping options for ...
1.1f freeware download... a quick access. Display and can modify Type/Creator codes (Signatures). Windows users will identify the kind of ... Intergraph ExtremeZ-IP. Displays and can modify the Type/Creator codes (Signatures) Displays the Macintosh type of the files ...
Barcode Scanner
4.7.8 freeware download... where it occurs. You can also scan QR Codes containing URLs, contact info, calendar events and more. ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format ...
Screen Capture Tool PreAlpha freeware download... Save desktop/window/region to picture with PNG/JPEG/BMP format. All codes are written by VC++, using base gdi32 functions and the 3rd parts libs (libpng,libjpg and zlib ...
2.77 freeware download... is multilingual and plays sound files or Morse codes if desired - even without sound card. Furthermore, the integrated speech synthesis can read the actual ...
1.0.170712 freeware download... button icons can run a application, scripting command codes (autohotkey,msdos,???) or write/read the windows registry. You can also make buttons that can do in ONE ...
Unit Converter Advance
1.0 freeware download... Unit Converter Advance you can even convert Color Codes, Numbers and Currency too. Unit Converter Pro offers you to add your own custom unit and ...
Idle Miner Tycoon for Windows
1.0 freeware downloadBe an industrial tycoon with Idle Miner Tycoon! Hire workers and manage your mine. Make your workers work for you while you sit and wait for ...
Honkai Impact 3 for Windows
1.0 freeware downloadIts Girl Power with Honkai Impact 3! Join the girls from Valkyrie Unit in the mission to protect the world. Complete the story missions as the ...
Eqatec Profiler
3.8.25 freeware downloadThe EQATEC Profiler is a code profiler, not a memory profiler. So it's all about making your app run faster, not about tracking objects and memory. ...