michael freeware downloads


1.92 freeware download

YaCy is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public internet. When ...

YaCy for Mac

1.92 freeware download

YaCy for Mac is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public ...

YaCy for Linux

1.92 freeware download

YaCy for Linux is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public ...


1.1.0 freeware download

Jlightning is a small, handy Java networking framework designed to be fully asynchronous. Now you can make use of this handy, simple and accessible framework to ...


3.1 freeware download

Savant is a full-featured open source web server written for computers running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, and Windows NT including Windows 2000. Savant is ...


3.4.25 freeware download

MP3Ext is an extension for the Windows Explorer. It enhances it, so you can get information in many ways: * A PropertyPage is ...


3.0f Beta freeware download

TaxRTip is designed as an exploration of the C# language by a novice programmer. It may be very simple and have a very small use factor, ...


7.5 freeware download

managedCuda combines Cuda's GPU computing power with the comfort of managed .net code. While offering access to the entire feature set of Cuda's driver API, managedCuda ...


0.76 freeware download

WinPenguins is a Win32 rewrite of the X-Windows application XPenguins. It creates cute little penguins that wander around your Windows desktop. Ever wanted cute little ...


2.0.13 freeware download

EPUBReader is a Firefox addon which lets you read ePub-files just in the browser. You don't need to install additional software! If you click on a ...

OpenChords freeware download

OpenChords is a guitar chord manager. It allows the user to present songs with guitar chords to a computer screen, so printing pages and pages of ...


1.8.1 freeware download

web2ldap is a full-featured LDAPv3 client written in Python. It can run with a stand-alone built-in Web server. It also runs under the control of another ...

Disk Benchmark

freeware download

Provides a disk benchmark utility, useful for Surface tablet and family to test flash memory. ...

Peach for Mac OS X

3.1.124 freeware download

Peach is a SmartFuzzer that is capable of performing both generation and mutation based fuzzing. Peach requires the creation of PeachPit files that define the structure, ...

Peach for Linux

3.1.124 freeware download

Peach is a SmartFuzzer that is capable of performing both generation and mutation based fuzzing. Peach requires the creation of PeachPit files that define the structure, ...


1.1 freeware download

Do you want to check frequently some services running on your remote servers? With ChkServices you can select the servers / services you want to ...


4.104 freeware download

f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor ...

f.lux for Mac

1.0 freeware download

f.lux for Mac makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like ...

Gene Runner

6.5.49 Beta freeware download

Gene Runner saves the information on Amino Acids in tables and this data is also be used with the 'Protein Analysis' functions, the 'Suppressor' and the ...


3.0.8 freeware download

Lynis is an open source command-line auditing tool for Linux/UNIX specialists. It is designed to scan the system configuration and create an overview of the system ...

f.lux for iOS

1.0 freeware download

With iOS 9, it is now possible to install screen brightness app Flux (or f.lux). Flux adjusts screen brightness and color depending on the time of ...

f.lux for Android

22.0 freeware download

f.lux removes the bright blue colors from your phone to help you wind down at night and returns your screen to normal the next day. This ...

Listazo freeware download

We can record our Musics and Movies and games and VHSs and Vinyls and Softwares and books and ebooks and personal list. Change few settings and ...

BibDesk for Mac OS X

1.7.5 freeware download

Use BibDesk to edit and manage your bibliography. It will keep track of both the bibliographic information and the associated files or web links for you. ...

Blackboard calculator

3.0 freeware download

The Blackboard calculator for Windows 7-10 (x32, x64) is a very simple programming environment that uses the "Do...Until", "While ...Wend" loops, a branch construction of the ...