ubuntu linux freeware downloads
DavMail for Mac OS X
5.5.0 B3293 freeware download... on any platform. Releases are tested on Windows, Linux (Ubuntu) and Mac OSX. Tested successfully with the Iphone (gateway running on a server). ...
Redo Backup and Recovery
1.0.4 freeware download... does not matter if you use Windows or Linux. FEATURES: No Installation Needed: You ... network access and a complete operating system (via Ubuntu). Open other applications while your system backup is ...
AIO Boot freeware download... operating systems into a single drive, including Windows, Linux, Antivirus and Android… Just integrate new versions or ... to create an NFS server to boot some Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Linux Mint… ...
Dwyco VideoChat Community for Mac
3.76 freeware download... on Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 10), MacOS (10.12+), Linux (Ubuntu 18.04+), Android * Directory lets you see who has recently visited, and lets you see ...
SP Flash Tool
5.1524.00 freeware download... chips. Spflash tool currently works on Windows and Linux ...
Social Focus Timer
1.0.0(69) freeware download... is tested on macOS Mojave, Windows 10, and Ubuntu Linux. ...
LibreOffice Latest freeware download... Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all ... systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Suse, ...). What ...
LibreOffice for Mac
24.2.4 freeware download... Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all ... systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Suse, ...). What ...
LibreOffice x64
24.2.4 freeware download... Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all ... systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Suse, ...). ...
1.5.5 freeware download... 98 , ME, NT, XP, VISTA, and Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat based GNU/Linux distributions. WinFF is available in Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional, Danish, ...
2.2 freeware download... SE/95/NT4 :: Mandrake 9.0, Mandriva 2006/2007, OpenSuse 10.2, Ubuntu 6.10, Fedora core 6, Gentoo 2006.1 :: agent code in delphi or C for windows/linux/embedded systems ...
3.4.1 freeware download... to the ones we know: * Many Linux distributions (including Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE) have BitlBee packages already. Just use ...
VSFileEncrypt freeware download... information on www.lokibit.com to get premium version. On Linux all encryption algorithms are available. VSFileEncrypt is compatible with Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/Vista, Mac OS, Linux (Ubuntu and others). This program encrypts files in ...
VSTextEncrypt freeware download... information on www.lokibit.com to get premium version. On Linux all encryption algorithms are available. VSTextEncrypt is a ... 64-bit, Windows XP is not supported), Mac OS, Linux (Ubuntu 64-bit). This program encrypts text in the ...
Veridis Biometric SDK
5.0 freeware download... in few hours. - Compatible with Windows and Linux (32 e 64 Bits) platforms. Other platforms can ... - Multi-platform. Windows (32 e 64 bits) and Linux (32 e 64 bits). - Low level libraries ...
FireFloo Commuicator
1.0 beta freeware download... this application, currently provided for windows desktop. Linux and Mac OS X compile files are given ... ready to compile for Android, Jolla Sailfish or Ubuntu Mobile Devices including Mac, Win and Linux Desktop ...
VSTextHash freeware download... information on www.lokibit.com to get premium version. On Linux all hash functions are available. VSTextHash is a ... 64-bit, Windows XP is not supported), Mac OS, Linux (Ubuntu 64-bit). ...
VSFileHash freeware download... information on www.lokibit.com to get premium version. On Linux all hash functions are available. VSFileHash is compatible with Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/Vista, Mac OS, Linux (Ubuntu and others). VSFileHash can be called with ...
2.1.3 freeware download... should be available as standard packages on most Linux and BSD systems. The source is diffpdf-1.8.0.tar.gz(40K). Building ... is explained in the README. Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu users don’t have to build it manually, they ...
jMP3 Tag Editor
1.2.3 freeware downloadjMP3 Tag Editor is a simple and easy to use application that you can use to edit audio tags and batch rename audio files. The ...
1.0 freeware download... cards and USB drives. Made primarily for Raspbian, Ubuntu, Debian, Yocto-based images but works with any kind of Linux distribution. imgFlasher is portable software, doesn't require any ...
2.20.0 freeware download... German and Swedish. The program works with Linux, Windows and MacOS X. The program is written ... for Windows, Slackware and an experimental version for Ubuntu. streamCapture is designed to work primarily on ...