n.runs freeware downloads
Adobe Flash Player Debugger for Mac OS X freeware downloadAdobe Flash Player Debugger can be very useful for collecting debug information while building Flex applications. The Adobe Flash Player Debugger is a support tool for ...
Adblock Plus for Android
3.4.5 freeware downloadAdblock Plus for Android is an Android app that runs in the background and filters ads, using the same filter lists as the Adblock Plus browser ...
8.3.1 freeware downloadXinorbis is a simple but powerful hard disk analyser. Using a sophisticated mix of graphs, tables and tree displays, it gives the user a complete overview ...
dupeGuru Picture Edition
4.1.1 freeware downloaddupeGuru Picture Edition (PE for short) is a tool to find duplicate pictures on your computer. dupeGuru PE is a big brother of dupeGuru. It works ...
dupeGuru Picture Edition for Linux
4.1.1 freeware downloaddupeGuru Picture Edition (PE for short) is a tool to find duplicate pictures on your computer. dupeGuru PE is a big brother of dupeGuru. It works ...
dupeGuru Picture Edition for Mac OS X
4.1.1 freeware downloaddupeGuru Picture Edition (PE for short) is a tool to find duplicate pictures on your computer. dupeGuru PE is a big brother of dupeGuru. It works ...
Free Countdown Timer
5.3.0 freeware download"Free Countdown Timer" by Comfort Software Group is a versatile and user-friendly application designed to help users manage their time effectively. This software is perfect for ...
1.9 freeware downloadSCleaner, developed by ShrewdSquad, is a robust and intuitive software solution designed to optimize and maintain your computer's performance. Tailored for both novice users and tech-savvy ...
ADTPro - Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS
2.0.2 freeware downloadApple Disk Transfer ProDOS (ADTPro) is a pair of programs that transfer diskettes and disk images between Apple II-era computers and the modern world. There is ...
ADTPro - Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS for Mac OS X
2.0.1 freeware downloadApple Disk Transfer ProDOS (ADTPro) is a pair of programs that transfer diskettes and disk images between Apple II-era computers and the modern world. There is ...
ADTPro - Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS for Linux
2.0.1 freeware downloadApple Disk Transfer ProDOS (ADTPro) is a pair of programs that transfer diskettes and disk images between Apple II-era computers and the modern world. There is ...
TinTin++ Mud Client
2.01.92 freeware downloadTinTin++, aka tt++, is a free console Mud Client, terminal multiplexer and shell scripting language for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X and Windows that runs ...
TrueIP freeware downloadTrueIP is a small program that runs in the system tray, monitoring your IP address(es). At the click of the mouse, you can view information about ...
4.2 freeware downloadActiveSocket is a Network Communication component for Windows. It features: DNS, FTP, HTTP, HTTPs, ICMP Ping, IP-to-Country, MSN, NTP, RADIUS, RSH, SCP, SFTP, SNMP v1/v2c, SNMP ...
1.41 freeware downloaddaSniff is an open source customizable sniffer for win32 systems. It helps you to log your LAN traffic by specifying packet rules as filters. It has ...
4.03 freeware downloadXpdf is an open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. (These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF ...
2.8.11 freeware downloadGanttProject is a cross-platform desktop tool for project scheduling and management. It runs on Windows, Linux and MacOSX, it is free and its code is opensource. ...
5.4.6 freeware downloadWhat is Lua? Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. Lua is free software distributed in source code. It may be used for ...
MCE Controller
1.9.0 freeware downloadMCE Controller enables the remote control of a Windows PC over the network. It runs in the background on a Windows PC listening on the network ...
0.34 freeware downloadODIN is a utility for easy backup of hard drive volumes or complete hard drives under Windows. A disk image can be created or restored. Only ...
ODIN 64-bit
0.34 freeware downloadODIN x64 is a utility for easy backup of hard drive volumes or complete hard drives under Windows. A disk image can be created or restored. ...
1.1.25 freeware downloadDocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer. — You can think of it ...
2.0.0 freeware downloadBabaCAD is made for everyone.Students and proffesionals just love it.It's very easy to use but very powerfull CAD software built with love. BabaCAD is changing CAD ...
Depeche View Lite freeware downloadBrowse, search and edit all text of a folder in one window, with the least possible mouse clicks and key presses. Fly over text by dragging ...
Digital Magazine Publishing Software
1.0 freeware downloadFor your digital magazine publishing need, 3DPageFlip Free Digital Magazine Publishing Software will make Flash magazine from your text and PDF documents. It make it so ...