c linux freeware downloads
Synergy for Linux
1.8.8 freeware downloadSynergy is a cross-platform, open-source replacement for a KVM switch. Instead of looping multiple computers through a piece of hardware, it lets you control them from ...
D2X-XL for Linux
1.18.55 freeware download... classic 3D Shooter game Descent 2 for Win32, Linux and Mac OS X, containing many enhancements and bug fixes while preserving full backwards compatibility. ...
BitMeter OS for Linux
0.7.5 Beta freeware download... free, open-source, bandwidth monitor that works on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. BitMeter OS keeps track of how much you use your internet/network connection, and ...
BitNami PostgreSQL for Linux
16.0.0 freeware download... you may try WAPPStack for Windows, LAPPStack for Linux or MAPPStack for Mac. PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has ...
Veusz for Linux
3.6.2 freeware downloadVeusz is a GUI scientific plotting and graphing package. It is designed to produce publication-ready Postscript or PDF output. SVG, EMF and bitmap export formats are ...
OpenTeacher for Linux
3.3 freeware downloadOpenTeacher for Linux is an opensource vocabulary training application that helps you learn a foreign language! The simple and intuitive interface lets you create word ...
ccextractor for Mac and Linux
0.94 freeware download... portable, small, and very fast. It works in Linux, Windows, and OSX. CCExtractor generates files in the two most common formats: .srt (SubRip) and ...
dupeGuru Music Edition for Linux
4.1.1 freeware download... ME runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. dupeGuru ME is efficient. Find your duplicate files in minutes, thanks to its quick fuzzy ...
Tagaini Jisho for Linux
1.2.2 freeware download... that is available for Windows, MacOS X and Linux and aims at becoming your Japanese study assistant. It allows you to quickly search for entries ...
Tofrodos for Linux
1.7.12 freeware downloadWhat is Tofrodos? Tofrodos is a text file conversion utility that converts ASCII files between the MSDOS (or Windows) format, which traditionally have CR/LF (carriage ...
pRPN for Linux
0.5.5 Beta freeware downloadGraphical Reverse Polish Notation calculator running in Linux and Windows. Programmable. Provides Reals, Complex, Vectors, Matrices, Binaries, Lists, Expressions, Strings and Programs. Implements RPL, the ...
Audacious for Linux
4.4 freeware downloadAudacious for Linux is an open source audio player. A descendant of XMMS, Audacious plays your music how you want it, without stealing away your ...
JonDoFox for Mac and Linux freeware downloadJonDoFox for Mac and LInuxcan configure your Firefox browser so as you will be able to navigate on the Internet safely and anonymously. It includes ...
Arduino for Linux
1.8.15 freeware downloadArduino for Linux is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested ...
Manager for Linux freeware downloadManager for Linux is free accounting software that runs on Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with modules such as cashbook, invoicing, ...
MyTourbook for Linux
19.6.1 freeware downloadMyTourbook for Linux is a tool designed for the analysis and visualization of tours recorded by GPS devices, exercise computers or ergometers. The program ...
openHAB Designer for Mac and Linux
1.8.3 freeware download... Home Automation Bus (openHAB) project for Mac and Linux aims at providing a universal integration platform for all things around home automation. It is a ...
Siren for Linux
3.14 freeware downloadSiren renames, moves and copies files using an expression. A lot of information associated to a file can be used: name, extension, dates, selection number. Other ...
SurveyVisualizer for Linux
2019.9.5 freeware downloadSurveyVisualizer is an application to access, analyze, and communicate the results from large and complex surveys (customer satisfaction, brand image, etc.) All the results, at the ...
Nodescan for Linux
1.0 freeware downloadUse Nodescan for Linux to send, share, and search for files, send instant messages, chat and listen to music streamed from the server. Files of ...
Android Studio for Mac and Linux
3.6.3 freeware download... minimizing efforts. Android Studio for Mac and Linux is a new Android development environment based on IntelliJ IDEA. Similar to Eclipse with the ADT ...
NETGEN for Linux
5.3.1 freeware downloadNetgen is a multi-platform automatic mesh generation tool written in C++ capable of generating meshes in two and three dimensions. The program is open source, and ...
SocketReader for Linux
1.2.3 freeware download... communication paths can be configured in parallel. Both, Linux/Unix and Windows, are supported. ...
icons-font-desktop for Linux
1.1.4 freeware download... link. icons-font-desktop is a desktop application, available for Linux, MacOS and Windows. Without run Node.JS / npm command, without open it in Visual Studio Code ...
Revisionary for Linux
0.1 freeware downloadStop staring at blobs of text marked up with highlights and squiggly underlines. Revisionary is an advanced grammar checker optimized for readability. Document corrections are presented ...