c linux freeware downloads
PyMCA for Linux
5.5.5 freeware downloadPyMca has been developed by the Software Group of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). If you are in doubt about how to pronounce it, just ...
BitNami Moodle Stack for Linux
3.11.0-0 freeware downloadBitNami Moodle Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Moodle and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native installer, as a virtual machine, in ...
HoubySoft Calculator GUI for Linux
5.1 freeware downloadHoubySoft Calculator GUI is a very innovative and adaptive calculator designed with a very large number of functions and capabilities such as graphing (2D, 3D, parametric, ...
EasyImageSizer for Linux
3.0.5 freeware downloadEasyImageSizer is an easy to use application designed to help you resize and rename images with ease. Features: batch compress image files batch rename ...
LomPad for Linux & Mac OS X
2.1.4 freeware downloadLompad is an easy to use metatagging tool for learning object designed to support the IEEE-lom spec and SCORM, CANCORE and Normetic profiles. ...
Enable Viacam for Linux
2.1.0 freeware downloadFirst install and configure your web camera before using eViacam. It's very important to configure your camera in manual exposure mode and adjust this parameter to ...
KinetDS for Linux
3.0 Rev 2010 freeware downloadKinetDS is a software for curve fitting particularly designed for kinetic (mechanistic and empirical) description of a substance dissolution from solid state. It was primarily designed ...
BlueJ for Linux
5.1.0 freeware downloadBlueJ is a Java environment with built-in editor, compiler, virtual machine, debugger specifically designed for introductory teaching. The aim of BlueJ is to provide an easy-to-use ...
Trend Micro Virus Pattern File for Linux
19.429.00 freeware downloadTrend Micro Pattern File contains Virus Pattern Files with latest virus databases. Controlled Pattern File Release (CPR) is a manually loadable, pre-release version of a Trend ...
Webmin for Linux
1.690 freeware downloadWebmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much ...
Android NDK for Linux
Revision 26d freeware downloadThe Android NDK is a companion tool to the Android SDK that lets you build performance-critical portions of your apps in native code. It provides headers ...
LilyPond for Linux
2.24.1 freeware downloadLilyPond is not unique in making music notation: there are a lot of programs that print music, and nowadays most of the newly printed music is ...
AcceptanceSampling for Linux
1.0-2 freeware downloadThe AcceptanceSampling package will provide functionality for creating and evaluating acceptance sampling plans. Plans can be single, double or multiple sampling plans. FEATURES: ...
ejabberd for Linux
20.03 freeware downloadejabberd is a Rock Solid, Massively Scalable, Infinitely Extensible Realtime Server. MODERN: Backend integration with REST API and ejabberdctl command-line tool Mobile libraries for ...
FreeMind for Linux
1.0.1 freeware downloadFreeMind is a Mind-Mapping tool and an intuitive editor for tree-structured data. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. Current users ...
Cute CW for Linux
1.0 freeware downloadLearning morse code is hard, but this tool will break it into phases to make learning easier. In Play mode, simply type keys and the Cute ...
Graph Streaming for Linux
1.0.3 freeware downloadThe purpose of the Graph Streaming API is to build a unified framework for streaming graph objects. Gephi’s data structure and visualization engine has been built ...
Gephi for Linux
0.10.1 freeware downloadGephi is a tool for people that have to explore and understand graphs. Like Photoshop but for data, the user interacts with the representation, manipulate the ...
Memtest86+ for Linux
7.00 freeware downloadBased on the well-known original memtest86 written by Chris Brady, memtest86+ is a port by some members of the x86-secret team, now working at www.canardpc.com. Our ...
haXe for Linux
3.4.2 freeware downloadhaXe (pronounced as hex) is an open source programming language. While most other languages are bound to their own platform (Java to the JVM, C# to ...
PolyRootsRB for Linux
1.3 freeware downloadPolyRootsRB finds the roots of a polynomial to any chosen accuracy using Laguerre's Method. The coefficients of the polynomial can be real or complex. PolyRootsRB uses ...
EnergyRB for Linux
1.0 freeware downloadEnergyRB is an application which numerically finds the eigenenergies and eigenfunctions for the time independent Schrödinger equation in one dimension. The application uses REALbasic's RbScript, so ...
Dukto for Linux
R5 freeware downloadA simple and fast peer-to-peer GUI utility to help people share files over a local area network, regardless of the user permission, operating system and the ...
Tonespace for Linux
2.5.544 freeware downloadIt's a different, more intuitive music keyboard, combined with a chorder. It supports over 50 different grids, 14 scales, 18 keys, 30+ chord types and 10 ...
SilentEye for Linux
0.4.1 freeware downloadSilentEye is a cross-platform application design for an easy use of steganography, in this case hiding messages into pictures or sounds. It provides a pretty nice ...