curve freeware downloads

IP Curve

freeware download

Very addicting multiplayer and singleplayer game! Steer you curve around and avoid borders and others curves. Use powerups for a last way out or to kill other curves. For the greatest fun we highly recommend ...


6.7 freeware download

CurvFit (tm) is a curve fitting program for Windows. Lorentzian, Sine, Exponential and Power series are available models to match your data. A Lorentzian series ...

Sicyon calculator

5.8 freeware download

Sicyon is all-in-one scientific calculator for every student and professor, researcher and developer. The core of Sicyon is an expression (VBScript/JScript) calculator with features as: estimate ...

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3.0 Rev 2010 freeware download

KinetDS is a software for curve fitting particularly designed for kinetic (mechanistic and empirical) description of a substance dissolution from solid state. It was primarily ...

KinetDS for Mac OS X

3.0 Rev 2010 freeware download

KinetDS is a software for curve fitting particularly designed for kinetic (mechanistic and empirical) description of a substance dissolution from solid state. It was primarily ...

KinetDS for Linux

3.0 Rev 2010 freeware download

KinetDS is a software for curve fitting particularly designed for kinetic (mechanistic and empirical) description of a substance dissolution from solid state. It was primarily ...


2021R1 freeware download

... print and draw graphics to reduce the learning curve when using the library and reuse existing code. PDFWriter can create PDF files in two ...


3.0 freeware download

... and invalid data. Includes functions to fit polynomial curves through a set of X-Y data points and return a table of polynomial curve coefficients, as well as, determine the best fit ...

TriLookupLite Mac

3.0 freeware download

... and invalid data. Includes functions to fit polynomial curves through a set of X-Y data points and return a table of polynomial curve coefficients, as well as, determine the best fit ...

OptiVec for GCC

8.0.1 freeware download

... spectral filtering, etc., both one- and two-dimensional. 4. Curve fitting for a wide range of model functions from simple linear regression to non-linear models with ...

OptiVec for Linux GCC / CLang

8.0.1 freeware download

... spectral filtering, etc., both one- and two-dimensional. 4. Curve fitting for a wide range of model functions from simple linear regression to non-linear models with ...

ROC Analysis freeware download

... program that graphs the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and calculates the Area Under the Curve (AUC) using a nonparametric method. ROC Analysis ...

ROC Analysis for Mac OS X freeware download

... program that graphs the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and calculates the Area Under the Curve (AUC) using a nonparametric method. ROC Analysis ...


11.6.1 freeware download

... intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives. PhotoFiltre ...

Portable PhotoFiltre

11.6.1 freeware download

... intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives. PhotoFiltre ...


11.6.1 freeware download

... intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives. PhotoFiltre ...

Portable PhotoFiltre

11.6.1 freeware download

... intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives. PhotoFiltre ...


1.0 freeware download

BestCurFit calculates the parameters of 12 curves using the method of Linear Least Squares, fitting each curve to user data. The nonlinear equations are linearized. ... it does not converge to a solution the curve is optimized with the Monte Carlo method. Goodness ...


4.59 freeware download

... in columns on a spreadsheet or to a curve in a graph. The user can easily add fitting functions of his own design. ...

CheckPrixa XPS To PDF Converter

1.20 freeware download

... PDF documents. Easy to use with no learning curve, it includes enterprise features for mass converting multiple XPS files into PDF, and merging several XPS ...


1.52 freeware download

... and management of survival time plots, modification of curve properties as colours, line styles and legend texts, ... information text or a legend, inverting survival time curves, displaying a table with cases under risk, performing ...

PhotoFiltre Portable

7.2.1 Rev 3 freeware download

... intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. PhotoFiltre is free for personal and educational use. Features Filters - Its wide range ...

ApkInstaller for PC

4.7 freeware download

... APK is a straightforward method that will definitely curve a notable niche. It is an easy to use program that only involves dragging and dropping ...

ApkInstaller forAndroid

8.6.2 freeware download

... APK is a straightforward method that will definitely curve a notable niche. It is an easy to use program that only involves dragging and dropping ...

DipTrace Free freeware download

DipTrace is an advanced PCB design software that consists of 4 modules: PCB Layout, Schematic Capture, Component and Pattern Editors. This EDA tool is a perfect ...