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Adobe Acrobat Reader for Mac
2024.002.20759 freeware download... Upgrade features include creating PDFs from other document types. It sends it up to the cloud for ... can also edit PDFs -- rearrange pages, edit text, move or delete blocks. Open once, read ...
3.1.6 freeware download... and Windows. Features: General Stores almost any type of information, including plain text, rich text, HTML, numbers, dates, times, booleans, URLs, etc. The ... several fields that form a mini-database. Several node types, with different sets of fields, can be included ...
1.5 freeware download... yourself. Using a DSL for every supported type of analysed entity, Freud allows users to define ... not restricted to any specific source or content type. The support provided within Freud is for: ...
STDU Viewer Portable
1.6.375 freeware download... tabbed interface and all standard features for this type of application (thumnail view, rotate page, search by text layer, etc). Also STDU Viewer has some extended ...
Postman for Mac OS X
8.2.0 freeware download... responses in a streamlined manner. Send any type of request in Postman. Create and save custom methods and send requests with the following body types: URL-encoded – The default content type for ...
AlomWare Toolbox
0.992 Beta freeware download... everyday boring manual tasks like typing the same text over and over (email addresses, phone numbers, canned ... morning. Starting today, you'll be able to type data or phrases from either hotkeys, text shortcuts, ...
ConnectCode Free Barcode Font
5.0 freeware download... to be integrated into any software that supports text input and font selection. Moreover, when a font ... generating barcodes in scripts or third party applications. Type of Barcode Fonts supported : TrueType Open Type ...
2.0 Beta 2 freeware download... other Translations can be provided by users. Text Editor # Syntax highlighting Highlighting of LaTeX ... to complete the command you've just started to type # Paranthesis matching Highlighting of missing and matching ...
PicPick Portable
7.2.7 freeware download... can perform Standard drawing, shapes, arrows, lines, and text. Effects are supported as well. Blur, sharpen, hue, ... Picker and Color Palette includes various color code type (RGB, HTML, C++, Delphi). Photoshop style RGB/HSV conversion ...
2019.4 freeware download... as the 'Run' command works in windows. User type a word (Command) and an item, just a ... way. Minimizes on screen, keeps only the Main Text box in view to enable user to launch ...
MiTeC EXE Explorer
3.7.1 freeware download... and VxD (Windows 9x Virtual Device Driver) file types. .NET executables are supported too. It enumerates ... able to abalyze and display al basic resouce types and some extra ones as JPEG, PNG, GIF, ...
Movie Info Search freeware download... The Information generated, if any, are: TYPE: Movie, Serie, ... YEAR: Year of Production GENRE: ... in your country. For example Australia as another type of rating a movie or a serie. Please ...
More4soft Free OCR
1.0 freeware download... or electronic conversion of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. In other words, it is the process of scanning text and images and then access to the text ...
Hash Generator
8.0 freeware download... tool which automates the generation of 15+ different type of hashes or checksums. It support most of ... generate hash for the file as well as text input also. User can directly enter or paste ...
Vole Magic Note
3.92.9051 freeware download... technology create stand out daily notes. Rich Text Note lets you create rich text standard notes. You can change note text font, color, size etc. Magic Touch lets you ...
Vole Magic Note Portable
3.92.9051 freeware download... technology create stand out daily notes. Rich Text Note lets you create rich text standard notes. You can change note text font, color, size etc. Magic Touch lets you ...
Free PageTurningMaker PPT to Flash
1.0 freeware download... and add content to pages such as add text, graph, blur. Meanwhile software allows user to edit ... even add logo and creator information. Flexible Output Types - Free PageTurningMaker PPT to Flash provides three ...
SterJo Wireless Passwords
2.0 freeware download... system you can easily check Wi-Fi names, passwords, type, authentication, and more within seconds. When launched, the ... info including SSID (Service Set Identifier), Password, Authentication type (WPAPSK, WPA2PSK, Open, etc.) and Encryption method (AES, ...
Raritysoft Backlink Checker
0.0.2 freeware download... to do is place all backlinks in a text file, with one link per line; and then have all your websites URLs in a separate text file with the same format. This is all ...
TechnoRiver Free Barcode Software Component
2.1 freeware download... such as bar code height, bar width, barcode type and bar code orientation. Your desired bar codes ... barcode dimensions. The font for the human readable text is customizable, and support for various barstyles allow ...
0.6.17 freeware download... External images: o Raster images: JPEG, PNG,... (all types the Python Imaging Library can read) o Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) * Text (very simple at the moment) All objects, ...
Rons Renamer - Batch File Renamer
2023.08.11.1527 freeware download... for keeping pictures or digital snapshots, music, movies, texts or any other type of files organized. 15 simple renaming rules can ... basic and advanced options. * Add: Space / Text / Numbers / Date-Time / Path Name / ...
3DPageFlip PDF Editor
1.0 freeware download... you easily modify your PDF document. Support adding text and image You can draw text object to type words in the PDF file in any position ...
SpdPDF Reader freeware download... (HTML help), Comic books, FictionBook, XPS, and plain text documents (TXT). Lighter alternative to Adobe Acrobat Reader ... that shows results in real time (as you type), as well as view one or two pages ...
1.3.1a freeware download... single phase and two phase techniques depending on type of the constraints. If the all constraints are ... from File function loads problems from comma separated text (CVS) files. On the other hand, the Load ...