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2.22 freeware download... is displayed: URL, Content type, File size, Last modified time, Last fetched time, Expiration time, Fetch count, Server name, and more. You can easily select ...
1.58 freeware download... Filename, Content Type, URL, Last Accessed Time, Last Modified Time, Expiration Time, Number Of Hits, File Size, Folder Name, and full path of the cache ...
1.40 freeware download... type, File size, Last accessed time, and last modified time in the server. You can easily select one or more items from the cache list, ...
1.30 freeware downloadInstalledCodec is a small utility displays the list of all Codec drivers and DirectShow filters currently installed on your system. For each component the following information ...
Test Data Tool
1.0 freeware download... work! Test data is included and may be modified. ...
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1.0 freeware download... the vector versions can easily be enlarged and modified to get the best results for your individual requirements. There are many different formats and icon ...
4.21 freeware downloadAirDC++ is a DC++ modified client with more features and more advanced than DC++. We will try to keep it clean and light. After 2.01 ...
1.2 freeware download... files you use constantly and the files you modified yesterday are there at your fingertips without folder navigation. FEATURES: · Specify folders containing ...
1.8 freeware download... the Reassigned Bandwidth-Enhanced Additive Sound Model. Loris supports modified resynthesis and manipulations of the model data, such as time- and frequency-scale modification and sound morphing. ...
ProDeletor freeware download... old files and empty folders, compares to last modified, accessed or created stamp. Basic archiving is supported also. Typical use is media company's ftp-server and ...
GeoTransformer freeware download... One click required to download caches, add modified information and copy to GPS device. Automatically download Pocket Queries from Change coordinates for solved ...
Doodles 3D
0.76 freeware download... to a text file that can be easily modified with a basic text editor. ...
2.44 freeware download... or SMTP), Street Address, Phone Number, Created Time, Modified Time (Works only with address books of Exchange server), and more... You can easily select ...
ChannelStorage freeware download... are used by the GetMapArea application for the modified pulse routing method. The output file is automatically saved in the same folder as the executable ...
0.674p freeware downloadRevConnect is a file sharing program based on DC++. It is fully compatible with the Direct Connect network and made the following major features: Multiple ...
freeware download... from, an open database that can be modified by anybody. All content and images in the database have been contributed by users on ...
Documalis Free PDF Editor
5.6.0 freeware download... with a single operation, and save back your modified PDF file. You can download it for free homepage You can create PDF files using our ...
HardlinkBackup 64-bit
2.2.4 freeware download... compares the files with previous backups. Only the modified files are then copied the unchanged files are linked with hard links to the files already ...
Removable Access Tool
1.4 freeware download... USB Flash drives thus prevent data from being modified or deleted. There are a lot of such tools available on the internet but they are ...
1.11 freeware downloadExecutedProgramsList is a simple tool that displays a list of programs and batch files that you previously executed on your system. For every program, ExecutedProgramsList displays ...
Mem Reduct Portable
3.4 freeware download... (system working set, working set, standby page lists, modified page lists) with variable result ~10-50%. Application it is compatible with Windows XP SP3 and higher ...
Snapchat for Android freeware download... The files send by users can be modified with various lenses and filters, making them much funnier and more to the point. There is ...
1.0.1 freeware download... that the images and the page layouts weren't modified. ...
Seems Like Video
1.0 freeware download... video files with different file sizes, resulting from modified metadata for example. Exporting the result to a text file is available. ...
Multi Port Forwarder
5.0 freeware download... and Network Adapter. Any traffic addresses can be modified together or individually. The program goes beyond just forwarding and offers reflection of traffic back to ...