public freeware downloads
Dev-PHP freeware download... Dev-PHP is free software under the GNU General Public License, which means you can freely modify or use the source code under the terms of ...
CAM Template Editor x64
3.2.2 freeware download... XML instances. The OASIS CAM is a public open standard. The CAM editor can import, analyze and refactor existing exchange XML Schema for better ...
CAM Template Editor for Mac OS X
3.2.2 freeware download... XML instances. The OASIS CAM is a public open standard. The CAM editor can import, analyze and refactor existing exchange XML Schema for better ...
CAM Template Editor for Linux
3.2.2 freeware downloadJCam is an implementation of the open public OASIS Content Assembly Mechanism (CAM) specification. The CAM specification is designed to provide a common syntax for ...
ImagesMixer freeware download... the author. This can also draw public to your personal website. ImagesMixer is simple and effective and was designed for this type of ...
Spark for Windows
2.8.3 freeware download... the easiest and best alternative to using un-secure public IM networks. A new Feature was added: Expand ability to customize spark if ...
Spark for Mac OS X
2.8.3 freeware download... the easiest and best alternative to using un-secure public IM networks. A new Feature was added: Expand ability to customize spark if ...
Spark for Linux
2.8.3 freeware download... the easiest and best alternative to using un-secure public IM networks. A new Feature was added: Expand ability to customize spark if ...
4.0.21 freeware download... guests, accounting documents, reports and also your personalized public site and online booking site. FEATURES: · Content Management System (CMS): Integrated web based ...
MD5summer freeware download... generated files. It is released under the General Public License, the source can be downloaded from the downloads page (down the bottom). MD5summer is ...
Scan Tailor x64 freeware download... C++ with Qt and released under the General Public License version 3. We develop both Windows and GNU/Linux versions. ...
0.76 Beta freeware download... it. Bookmarkbridge is released under the GNU General Public License. ...
3.0.1 freeware download... distributed under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License. The name FindBugs™ and the FindBugs logo are trademarked by The University of Maryland. FindBugs ...
3.1.9 freeware download... coverage tool for Eclipse, available under the Eclipse Public License. It brings code coverage analysis directly into the Eclipse workbench: Fast develop/test cycle: Launches ...
Zenfolio Downloader freeware download... account. Zenfolio Downloader was written using the Zenfolio Public API, and it provides a streamlined interface for selecting and downloading any number of galleries and ...
Zenfolio Downloader for Mac OS X freeware download... account. Zenfolio Downloader was written using the Zenfolio Public API, and it provides a streamlined interface for selecting and downloading any number of galleries and ...
1.2.1 freeware download... demands (just to open IPW servers to the public) and continued interference of lesser network admins from the general computing center of the same university. ...
7.29.139 freeware download... Quran. Prime numbers are used as keys in public key cryptography to exchange secret messages. The first chapter of the Quran named Al-Fatiha meaning ...
1.6.0 freeware download... to use it within terms of the GNU Public License. The punchline of this license is that it lets you modify the program and redistribute ...
Seafile for Mac
7.0.8 freeware download... group workspace for your team. You can create public file libraries and exchange ideas in this workspace. It's pretty easy to keep the whole team ...
Seafile for Linux
7.0.8 freeware download... group workspace for your team. You can create public file libraries and exchange ideas in this workspace. It's pretty easy to keep the whole team ...
Grabilla Capture and Share for Android
1.0.213 freeware download... and videos. No social features, no feeds or public galleries. Just choose any image/video and share it by private link. How to take screenshot on ...
2.0 freeware download... installed. Software uses The PCI ID Repository, a public repository of all known ID's used in PCI devices: ID's of vendors, devices, subsystems and device ...
JMARS for Windows
3.1.5 freeware download... members, students of all ages, and the general public. JMARS provides free and efficient access to more than a terabyte of NASA orbiter data, ...
3.11.0 freeware download... is open source software licensed under the General Public License developed at the University of Nottingham for modelling the geometry of textile structures. TexGen has ...