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2.38.04 freeware download... overwrites existing parameters. Hotkey 2 times: (within 1 Second) deletes the program title from the list Hotkey 3 times: Set options for this title or ...
HS Date Reminder
3.38 freeware download... the date of the currently selected line. Second text line with launching capability (shows in status bar): Double click to load a file, program, ...
Portable Flashnote
4.8 freeware download... is on screen in a flash of a second. Press ESC and the program hides. It's that simple. You don't need to find a ...
4.1.0 freeware download... over the Gnutella network. The purpose of the second search bar (placed on the right) is to search your library. The sidebars are displayed on ...
1.54i freeware download... It can filter a 2048x2048 image in 0.1 seconds (*). That's 40 million pixels per second! Data Types: · 8-bit grayscale or indexed color, ...
ImageJ x64
1.54i freeware download... It can filter a 2048x2048 image in 0.1 seconds (*). That's 40 million pixels per second! Data Types: · 8-bit grayscale or indexed color, ...
freeware download... - a bell that can be used any second , third or fourth tick - disable the bell - animated metronome - setting the tempo ...
Portable Back4Sure
3.7.9 freeware download... You can use a USB flash drive, a second hard drive or a network share as backup target. With the built-in compression of Back4Sure you ...
3.7.9 freeware download... You can use a USB flash drive, a second hard drive or a network share as backup target. With the built-in compression of Back4Sure you ...
3.21 freeware download... fly' whilst playing. It includes provision for second touch, settable combination pistons (divisional and general), swell controls, couplers, tremulants, and stop tabs or knobs. ...
Rohos Mini Drive
3.0 freeware download... the drive when you create the partition. The second, Rohos Disk Browser, is a portable file manager, which can be useful when the encrypted partition ...
Quad-Lock Unit Converter
5.4 freeware download... The program is launched in less than a second, and conversions are performed instantly while you type ... function lets you search for your units within seconds. 3. Small file size (252 kB) compared to ...
Linux Mint
20.2 freeware download... applet used to wake up the CPU every second even if seconds weren’t shown. This was fixed and further reduces ...
Scripter Opera Extension
2.0.4 freeware download... setTimeout( "$('*').each(function(){ if >($(this).css('z-index')100) $(this).remove(); }); ",1000); One second after loading any page, script will remove all the layers with z-index more than 100. It ...
Circular Layout
0.3 freeware download... number of "high degree" nodes to use on second circle. *Allows drawing node order on circle either clockwise or counter-clockwise. ...
IP Locator
1.2 Build 0.101 freeware download... the information about the requested IP address, a second request is sent to the whois server of RIPE, APNIC, LACNIC or AfriNIC. ...
Portable PhotoFiltre
11.6.1 freeware download... shapes (rectangle, ellipse, triangle, rhombus, rounded rectangle). The second type corresponds to the lasso and polygon. They both allow a customized form by drawing a ...
3.0 freeware download... to solve than is often presumed. A second, more justifiable reason is that their solving mechanics can be tedious, especially when working on paper. ...
Greenshot freeware downloadGreenshot is a revolutionary screenshot tool optimized for productivity. Greenshot offers full screenshot, capture of region and window and supports multiple image formats. Greenshot is ...
Portable Greenshot freeware downloadGreenshot is a revolutionary screenshot tool optimized for productivity. Greenshot offers full screenshot, capture of region and window and supports multiple image formats. Greenshot is ...
1.2.5 freeware download... (such as building jar files, etc.). The second JiBX component is the binding runtime. The enhanced class files generated by the binding compiler use ...
CCleaner for Mac OS X
2.09.187 freeware download... that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware. Features: >emFaster Computer A Mac ...
Drives Monitor
18.1 freeware downloadDrives Monitor is a Windows 10 sidebar gadget that provides a lot of useful information about the functioning of each physical or/and logical disk (the amount ...
Yorick for Windows freeware download... projection calculations, runs at about 20 frames per second on a 266 MHz Pentium II. Flow past an airfoil The Jakowski transform ...
Yorick for Mac OS X freeware download... projection calculations, runs at about 20 frames per second on a 266 MHz Pentium II. Flow past an airfoil The Jakowski transform ...