"text editor" freeware downloads
3.1 freeware downloadCKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks ...
2.6.6 freeware downloadOnline text editor (DHTML editor), for ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, PHP, Java and JavaScript brings to the web many of the powerful features of known desktop ...
3.2.14 freeware download... easy-to-use word processor (or more precisely, a rich text editor), designed to make writing convenient, efficient and comfortable. Bean is Open Source, fully Cocoa, and ...
Atomic Scribbler
9.0 freeware downloadAtomic Scribber is now SmartEdit Writer SmartEdit Writer – free software to plan your novel, prepare and maintain research material, write your novel scene by ...
0.3.3-2 freeware downloadTo say it straight in only one sentence: gpg4usb is a very easy to use portable-application, which combines a simple text-editor with a GnuPG-frontend to write, ...
ASCII Generator dotNET freeware download... ASCII Generator dotNET (ascgen2) is a 32-bit Windows text editor that will allow anyone to easily convert images ... out of text characters · Doubles as a text editor · Convert from any: rla, rpf, pic, cel, ...
2.4 freeware download... of a calendar with the ease of a text editor. DatePad can be used in a large number of ways. It's main function is to ...
BowPad x64
2.5.1 freeware download... C++. BowPad x64 is a small and fast text editor with a ribbon user interface and syntax highlighting. It supports customizable syntax highlight configuration for ...
Gizmo Editor
2.7.9 freeware download... are supported. Features: · Full featured Text Editor · Source code syntax coloring (HTML, PHP, XML, etc.) · Binary/Hex Editor · Project support; ...
pxedit Portable
1.0 freeware downloadPxedit is a text editor application for windows. Create a text document and save it in file format. You can open existing files edit them ...
CotEditor for Mac OS X
3.9.7 freeware downloadCotEditor is exactly made for macOS. It looks and behaves just as macOS applications should. CotEditor launches so quick that you can write your text immediately ...
Write Bangla Offline Pad
2.0 freeware downloadWrite Bangla Offline Pad is a text editor for Bangla, which you can use to write the English equivalent of any text. Using this tool, ...
179 freeware downloadMacVim is the text editor Vim for Mac OS X. MacVim is a ... on the powerful Vi app, which is a text editor developed for the Unix operating systems. The goal ...
Notepad-7 freeware downloadNotepad-7 is a small text editing application just like the regular notepad, but enhanced with the MS Office 2010 look and feel. It just changes the ...
Jovial Notepad
2.9 freeware downloadThis is a lightweight Microsoft Notepad replacement program that offers some handy and useful features that are used every day. Designed to replace Notepad, this application ...
Helper++ freeware downloadWelcome! Helper++ was developed by me for me but maybe someone else wished similar software so thats why you have now possibility to try it. Helper++ ...
AkelPad freeware downloadAkelPad - is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be a small and fast. Wonderful editor, being used to ...
AkelPad (x64 bit)
4.9.8 freeware downloadAkelPad x64 - is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be a small and fast. Wonderful editor for indows ...
4.2.25 freeware download... this principle, being a fast, small and free text editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages. Features: Customizable syntax highlighting: ...
Notepad2 64-bit
4.2.25 freeware download... this principle, being a fast, small and free text editor with syntax highlighting for HTML and other common languages. Features: Customizable syntax highlighting: ...
3.0.10 freeware downloadLuaEdit is designed to be an accessible an IDE/Text Editor/Debugger specially designed for the Lua language. Its interface looks like MS Studio .Net and ...
Project-ASCII Notepad IDE
.72 freeware downloadproject ASCII is a really cool and unique text editor with original features. It allows you to execute scripts directly from its presence. It´s still ...
Alternate TextBrowser Portable
4.300 freeware downloadThe portable version of Alternate TextBrowser. This version doesn't need to be installed - so it is not bound to a single computer. It can be ...
2.22 freeware downloadYIKES stands for "Yes, I Kan Edit Stuff." It was designed and built by Alden Bates. The original YIKES was written to emulate the Editor ...
2015.25 freeware downloadMined is a powerful text editor with a comprehensive yet concise and easy-to-use user interface supporting modern interaction paradigms, and fast, small-footprint behaviour. Mined provides ...