visual compiler freeware downloads
Visual Prolog
9 B902 freeware downloadVisual Prolog is a logical programming language that counts ... and Turbo Prolog as predecessors. The goal of Visual Prolog is to support industrial strength programming of ...
Visual Studio Code
1.98.2 freeware downloadVisual Studio Code is a powerful IDE, dedicated to ... is a lightweight and resembles the functionality of Visual Studio, however it features comprehensive revision and compiling ...
Visual Studio Code for Mac OS X
1.90.2 freeware downloadVisual Studio Code is a powerful IDE, dedicated to ... is a lightweight and resembles the functionality of Visual Studio, however it features comprehensive revision and compiling ...
Visual Studio Code for Linux
1.90.2 freeware downloadVisual Studio Code is a powerful IDE, dedicated to ... is a lightweight and resembles the functionality of Visual Studio, however it features comprehensive revision and compiling ...
eBooksWriter LITE
2016.33 freeware downloadWith VisualVision's EBooksWriter you can create ebooks with ease. It's a professional all-in-one (edit, protect, pack / compile) visual environment, not just a compiler: - you build ...
Lazarus for Linux
3.2 freeware download... designed to be a stable and feature rich visual programming environment for the FreePascal Compiler. It supports the creation of self-standing graphical and ... that emulate Delphi. Free Pascal is a GPL'ed compiler that runs on Linux, Win32, OS/2, 68K and ...
Lazarus for Mac OS X
3.2 freeware download... designed to be a stable and feature rich visual programming environment for the FreePascal Compiler. It supports the creation of self-standing graphical and ... that emulate Delphi. Free Pascal is a GPL'ed compiler that runs on Linux, Win32, OS/2, 68K and ...
Lazarus x64
3.2 freeware download... designed to be a stable and feature rich visual programming environment for the FreePascal Compiler. It supports the creation of self-standing graphical and ... that emulate Delphi. Free Pascal is a GPL'ed compiler that runs on Linux, Win32, OS/2, 68K and ...
GoldenSharp freeware download... small and easy to use C# IDE + compiler. Best for fast implementations of small console applications ... .NET framework is the only requirement - no Visual Studio needed! · It's portable · It's leightweight ...
eBooksWriter LITE Italiano
2016.7.7 freeware download... with ease with this FREE tool. An all-in-one visual environment, not just a compiler! Can output a standalone EXE with one click, ... the full screen display. Full text/keyword search. Fast, visual, comprehensive: frames with drag&drop, hot spots, mouseover images, ...
1.22.1 freeware downloadJikesTM is a compiler for the JavaTM language. The Jikes project strives ... may wonder why the world needs another Java compiler, considering that Sun provides javac free with its ...
2.0 freeware download... you quickly compile and run C#, F# and Visual Basic code without opening up Visual Studio. The way FastSharp works is pretty simple. ...
Silverfrost FTN95
9.00 freeware downloadSilverfrost FTN95 is a robust Fortran compiler developed by Silverfrost, renowned for its reliability and ... software stands out in the realm of Fortran compilers, offering a unique blend of performance, ease of ...
eBooksWriter LITE español
2018.8 freeware download... facilísimo con EbooksWriter PRO. No sólo un mero compiler de ebook sino un medio rápido, poderoso, e ... - un ebook, un archivo fuente. Todo es visual, no hay recopilación, no hay código... no hay ...
Auto C
3.7.70 freeware download... with SuperEdi. The use of four popular C/C++ compilers is supported. Auto C creates a generic C ... supports creating and editing Menus in a point-and-click visual style. Using these free compilers is supported: Borland ...
Lazarus x32
3.6 freeware download... of software development. Tailored for the Free Pascal Compiler (FPC), Lazarus offers a rich feature set that ... modifications. Lazarus boasts a comprehensive and intuitive visual design interface, which simplifies the creation of graphical ...
1.2.0 freeware download... (QBasic 1.1, QuickBASIC 4.5, QuickBASIC Extended 7.1 and/or Visual Basic for DOS) with just a few clicks to your hard drive and creates configuration files ...
wxDEV-C++ freeware download... the original Dev-C++. One of these is a visual RAD designer that works like C++ Builder to create wxWidgets applications. wxDev-C++ supports both Microsoft compilers and GNU compilers (MinGW). Features * ...
Inno Setup
6.0.3 freeware download... files are usually edited from inside the Setup Compiler program. After you have finishing writing the script, ... final step is select "Compile" in the Setup Compiler. What this does is create a complete, ready-to-run ...
1.0.1 Beta 218 freeware download... log4cplus, log4cxx. Pantheios does not contain any compiler-specific or platform-specific constructs. It supports UNIX (including Linux ... (8.45+), GCC (3.2+), Intel (6+), Metrowerks (8+), Microsoft Visual C++ (5.0+), and should work with any reasonably ...
Code::Blocks for Windows
20.03 Build Apr 3 20 freeware download... workspace that minimizes distractions. The IDE supports multiple compilers, including GCC, Clang, and Visual C++, ensuring compatibility with various development environments. This ...
RadASM freeware download... Support for many programming languages and assemblers / compilers · namely MASM, TASM, NASM, FASM, GoAsm, Borland ... for easy adaptability to your personal wishes! · Visual dialog editor · for quick wysiwyg creation of ...
12.1 freeware download... or edit your interface. Quickly make changes to visual UI elements with pop-up inspectors. Native on all Apple platforms. Your apps gain incredible native ...
3.1.6224 freeware download... * Test automatically for syntax errors * Generate Visual Basic, C#, or C++ code * Save and restore data in a project file * Maintain ...
52.9.1 freeware download... browser, powered by Mozilla source code, compiled with Visual Studios 2012, used Windows 8 SDK instead Of Vista SDK, compiled with help of Intel C++ Compiler, and compatible with Windows 8 OS. The main ...