displays freeware downloads
Free Mobile App Icons
2012 freeware download... App Icons in devices with standard and high-definition displays in app bars, toolbars, tab bars and navigation bars. Free Mobile App Icons come with a ...
cFos Twitter Notifier
2.52 freeware download... as soon as something new arrives. It then displays a notification in the Windows taskbar. Currently cFos Notifier supports the following sources: Mail Twitter ...
1.0.0 freeware downloadCubePhotoShow is a fully customizable screen saver that displays your favorite pictures as a moving 3D cube. It runs on all versions of windows starting ...
Christmas Globe
1.0 freeware downloadChristmas Globe is a beautiful application that displays on your screen a snow globe with falling snow. Christmas Globe shows you the number of days ...
Rumble Radar
freeware downloadRumble Radar displays the significant seismic activity by world region for the last 30 days as identified by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This information ...
Decibel Meter
freeware download... determine the level of sound it detects, and displays this in decibels (dB) as max, average and peak sound pressure level. With this app, you ...
TaskSTRun freeware downloadTaskSTRun is a program which displays running processes, loaded drivers, loaded modules in processes, IAT Table of processes, autostart entries, and Hijack entries. It's also ...
1.12 freeware download... the activity of Bluetooth devices around you, and displays a log of Bluetooth devices on the main window. Every time that a new Bluetooth device ...
2.1 freeware download... to monitor CPU performance from your desktop. It displays a real-time graph of CPU performance as well as current usage indicator. The display supports custom ...
2.1.20 freeware download... moved in the ColorPix window. A cursor click displays the color code in web Hex and decimal Red, Green, Blue, along with the color compliment. ...
cFos Notifier
2.5. freeware download... are available. If there is something new, it displays a notification icon in the windows taskbar and a balloon tip. If you click on the ...
SSuite OmegaOffice HD+ freeware download... menu structures for better user-interaction on Full HD displays and the latest Surface Pro tablets. This office suite introduces some new innovative concepts in ...
WorkTime Personal Free freeware download... free computer monitoring software for self-monitoring. The software displays how much you spend using the Internet, Facebook, other social network websites, playing games, and working ...
1.0 freeware download... SNAP button, it captures the current time and displays it in a list. A traditional computer stop watch captures the number of seconds since you ...
File Time Browser
1.0 freeware download... write or last access in choosed directories and displays it on interactive graphical timeline. Look at screenshot for more info. Freeware. Requires no installation. Programs ...
magayo WET (Weather, Exchange rate, Time)
1.0.2 freeware download... desktop, whether at home or at work. It displays the local date & time of your chosen cities, the local weather with animated icons and ...
8.04 freeware downloadThis program is a viewer that displays the HPGL plotter drawing file (HPGL/2, HP RTL not supported) which runs on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 ...
6.2018.513.2675 freeware download... clipboard, but holding down CTRL + V instead displays a beautiful interface allowing you to easily look through your clipboard history, and select the item ...
CPU Monitor Gadget
1.1 freeware download... for monitoring CPU performance from your desktop. It displays a real-time graph of CPU performance as well as current usage indicator. Features include user defined ...
Disk Monitor Gadget
1.1 freeware download... monitoring free disk space from your desktop. It displays a real-time information of disk usage. Features include user defined colors, transparency. Compact tool with tiny ...
MiTeC EXE Explorer
3.7.1 freeware download... on MiTeC Portable Executable Reader. It reads and displays executable file properties and structure. It is compatible with PE32 (Portable Executable), PE32+ (64bit), NE (Windows ...
MiTeC E-mail History Browser
1.2.0 freeware downloadE-mail History Browser collects and displays e-mail communication history taken from supported e-mail clients in comprehensive interface with powerful filtering engine. You can trace and ...
MiTeC Instant Messaging History Browser
1.2.1 freeware downloadInstant Messaging History Browser collects and displays communication history in comprehensive interface with powerful filtering engine. You can trace and see all your (or someone ...
1.41 freeware download... NT/2K performance counters to obtain the information it displays. You can find documentation for Windows NT/2K performance counters, including the source code to Windows NT's ...
Opened Ports Viewer
1.4 freeware downloadOpened Ports Viewer displays a list with all opened ports on a machine, including the associated process (similar the console command "netstat"). The port ...