text data freeware downloads
2015.04.00 Beta freeware downloadEdytorNC is text editor for CNC programmers. Some features : bolt ... feed calculation; conversion inch/mm, mm/inch; code colorizing; RS232 data transmission. FEATURES: · bolt holes ...
3.69 freeware downloadMemPad is a plain text outliner and note taking program with a structured ... and quick node moving. MemPad always saves data without prompting (when closing Mempad or opening another ...
RapidMiner Community Edition
10.3.1 freeware downloadRapidMiner is the world-wide leading data mining solution due to the combination of its ... Applications of RapidMiner have a wide spread in data mining all over the world. Use RapidMiner ...
4.58 freeware download... The list of modifiable properties can be configured. Data templates can be defined to set several properties ... in a folder can be exported to a text file. All image properties of selected images can ...
SSuite Agnot StrongBox Security freeware download... just could not get any easier... Encrypt any text message or text file in exactly the same way as the above description. You may open or save the text message inside a text file for secure transmission ...
RapidMiner Community Edition x64
10.3.1 freeware downloadRapidMiner x64 is the world-wide leading data mining solution due to the combination of its ... Applications of RapidMiner have a wide spread in data mining all over the world. Use RapidMiner ...
0.5.390 freeware downloadCryptoTE is an easy to use text editor with integrated strong cryptography. It is based on the popular Scintilla widget and automatically stores text data in secure encrypted container files. Compared to ...
BabelPad freeware downloadBabelPad is a free Unicode text editor for Windows that supports the proper rendering ... to different scripts in order to facilitate multi-script text editing. It also provides many useful features and ...
EditPad Lite
8.5.1 freeware downloadEditPad Lite is a compact general-purpose text editor. Use EditPad Lite to easily edit any kind of plain text file. EditPad Lite has all the essential features ...
XPath Scraper Basic
1.05 freeware downloadXScraper is a data mining software and XPath expression tester, especially useful ... Helpful when comes to scrape urls and other data from websites. Free version is available with basic ...
Visual DataFlex 2009 Personal freeware downloadVisual DataFlex® is an advanced software tool designed for developing database application software - fast and easy. It delivers... Capability - With Visual DataFlex, developers can quickly build fast, reliable database applications ...
Dead Pixel Tester
3.00 freeware downloadDead Pixel Tester - TFT screens have thousands of pixels, on a 1024x768 monitor, there are three cells for each pixel - one each for red, ...
Macro Commander Basic freeware download... for Windows, catering to all your macro recording, text expansion, mouse clicking, automated data entry, and general automation needs. Whether it's native ... covered. You can effortlessly activate macros using hotkeys, text shortcuts, or mouse commands, and even schedule them ...
1.0 freeware downloadBell .SECURED is a free data-protect software, that is refinement of the Bell Label ... and hidden attitude, and unreplaced, unedited and uncopied text) in a clear interface. Bell .SECURED is ...
5.5.2 freeware downloadTextWrangler is a richly-featured and very powerful tool for composing, modifying, and transforming text stored in plain-text files. At its most basic, a text editor is a tool for simply editing text. ...
1.6.2 freeware download... is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a Free replacement for the proprietary ... PSPP is an application designed to analyze sampled data and perform descriptive statistics, T-tests, linear regression, and ...
PAST for Mac OS X
4.03 freeware downloadPast is free software for scientific data analysis, with functions for data manipulation, plotting, univariate and multivariate statistics, ecological analysis, ... with a straightforward approach when it comes to data analysis: just import your data and then apply ...
0.98.2 freeware downloadThe RecordEditor is a Data-File editor, similar to File-Aid or Net-Cobols Cobol-Editor. It uses a Record-Layout to format the data in the file in to a human readable ...
0.98.2 freeware downloadThe RecordEditor is a Data-File editor, similar to File-Aid or Net-Cobols Cobol-Editor. It uses a Record-Layout to format the data in the file in to a human readable ...
Local sharing plugin
4.0.69 B823 freeware downloadData export module "Local database" for program Advanced Serial Data Logger represents a set of tools for exporting any parsed serial data to different popular formats, such as: Microsoft Excel, ...
Portable grepWin
2.1.8 freeware download... users who frequently work with large volumes of text files and require an efficient way to manage and manipulate data. At its core, Portable grepWin leverages the ...
ByteScout PDF Multitool freeware download... Multitool (FREEWARE) includes set of functions to extract data and text from PDF files: PDF To XML, PDF To CSV, PDF To Text, reading text from scanned PDF using OCR, search ...
2012 freeware download... command line tool that enumerates or export to text file the list of ODBC data source names (DSN). The text file generated by the tool is ready to ...
Apache Lucene for Mac OS X
9.12.0 freeware download... scalable and flexible solution for indexing and searching text. Lucene's core strength lies in its ability to handle large volumes of data with remarkable efficiency. It provides a rich set ...
1.77 freeware downloadSysExporter utility allows you to grab the data stored in standard list-views, tree-views, list boxes, combo boxes, text-boxes, and WebBrowser/HTML controls from almost any application running ...