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1.2.0 freeware download... Useful for estimating values during the purchase of raw materials from bar stock. Managed materials: Iron Cast, Steel, SteelStainless , Bronze, Aluminum, Brass, Copper,Titanium, Steel ...
1.2.0 freeware download... Useful for estimating values during the purchase of raw materials from bar stock. Managed materials: Iron Cast, Steel, SteelStainless , Bronze, Aluminum, Brass, Copper,Titanium, Steel ...
XnView MP x64
0.99.7 freeware download... TIFF, PNG, GIF, WEBP, PSD, JPEG2000, OpenEXR, camera RAW, HEIC, PDF, DNG, CR2) Its features include slideshow, contact sheets, image compare, batch rename, screen capture, ...
XnView MP
0.99.7 freeware download... TIFF, PNG, GIF, WEBP, PSD, JPEG2000, OpenEXR, camera RAW, HEIC, PDF, DNG, CR2) Its features include slideshow, contact sheets, image compare, batch rename, screen capture, ...
AmoK Exif Sorter
2.52 freeware downloadAmoK Exif Sorter is the easy but powerful solution for renaming your photos. All pictures of a digital camera can be renamed by AmoK Exif Sorter ...
2.52 freeware downloadMZmine 2 is an open-source project delivering a software for mass-spectrometry data processing, with the main focus on LC-MS data. It is based on the original ...
Miraplacid Binary and Text DOM SDK
3.2 freeware downloadMiraplacid Binary and Text DOM SDK represents two complementary technologies - BinaryDOM and TextDOM. This is redistributable software library component (dll) which works on .Net platform ...
4.70 freeware download... PCX/DCX, PDN, PhotoCD, PNG, PSD, PSP, PVR, RAS/SUN, RAW, Real Audio (RA), RLE, SFF, SFW, SGI/RGB, SWF/FLV, TGA, TIF, TTF, TXT, WAD, WAV, WBMP, WEBP, ...
5.0.13 freeware downloadPaint.NET is free image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited ...
VLC Media Player
3.0.20 freeware download... / Annodex Matroska (MKV) Real WAV (including DTS) Raw Audio: DTS, AAC, AC3/A52 Raw DV FLAC FLV (Flash) MXF Nut Standard MIDI ...
2024.6.25.17 freeware download... * Matroska (MKV) * WAV (including DTS) * Raw Audio: DTS, AAC, AC3/A52 * Raw DV * FLAC * FLV (Flash) * Standard ...
1.54.120 freeware download... prosumer and pro photographers, Recuva supports the Nikon RAW and Canon RAW (.CRW) formats. If you listen to music ...
7.0.1 freeware download... frame rate of the input file (valid for raw formats only) to 1 fps and the frame ... The format option may be needed for raw input files. By default ffmpeg tries to ...
Faststone Image Viewer
7.8 freeware download... WMF, ICO and TGA) and popular digital camera RAW formats (CRW, CR2, NEF, PEF, RAF, MRW, ORF, SRF and DNG). Features: · ...
3.1.5 freeware download... an area of interest. * Load and process raw numeric rasters, which may be stretched and colorized on the fly. * Load and process vector ...
ImLab for Mac OS X
2.3.4 freeware download... and WMV in Windows. * Import and Export RAW data * Import and Exports CGM, WMF, EMF * Export image as a PostScript file ...
7.192 freeware download... including popular ones like JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and RAW files from various camera manufacturers. This extensive compatibility ensures that users can work with virtually any ...
1.92.0 freeware download... TIFF, PNG, GIF, WEBP, PSD, JPEG2000, OpenEXR, camera RAW, HEIC, PDF, DNG, CR2). You can save and re-use your presets for another batch image convert. ...
ExifTool GUI for Windows
6.3.8 freeware download... rotation is needed when embedding JPG image into raw image file. If you think you might need ... first. 4. Wish to see thumbnails of raw image files? Of course you do. What you ...
3.5.3 freeware download... formats JPEG and TIFF as well as camera RAW formats DNG (Adobe), CRW, CR2 and THM (Canon), ... SR2, SRF (Sony) and RAF (Fujifilm), RW2 and RAW (Panasonic), RWL (Leica) Uses ExifTool by Phil Harvey ...
CornerFix freeware download... It has two main functions: to correct the raw M8 DNG files for vignetting, based on a ... separately for luminance and chroma Corrects at the raw data level, so any raw developer can still ...
MAGIX Photo Manager freeware download... also import and optimize uncompressed images (known as raw formats / RAW) from more than 400 popular camera models. ...
Luminance HDR
2.6.0 freeware download... 16bit, 32bit (float) and LogLuv (extension: tiff); · Raw image formats (extension: various); · PFS native format ... of images (formats: JPEG, TIFF 8bit and 16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure ...
Luminance HDR for Mac OS X
2.6.0 freeware download... 16bit, 32bit (float) and LogLuv (extension: tiff); · Raw image formats (extension: various); · PFS native format ... of images (formats: JPEG, TIFF 8bit and 16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure ...
Luminance HDR for Linux
2.6.0 freeware download... 16bit, 32bit (float) and LogLuv (extension: tiff); · Raw image formats (extension: various); · PFS native format ... of images (formats: JPEG, TIFF 8bit and 16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure ...