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KS Calculator
1.05 freeware download... formats, operates with expressions and mathematical functions, like: Sin, Cos, Tan, ArcTan, Exp, Ln, Log, etc. KS-Calculator also offers built-in "Calendar" and "Character Map" utilities. ...
Tinger Calc
0.0.25 freeware downloadTinger Calc is a powerful scientific calculator environment. It supports elementary math ( +, -, *, /, ^), trigonometric functions (sin, sinh, asin, cos, cosh, acos, ...
1.1 freeware downloadWith the Harmonix Photoshop plug-in you can create complex waveforms. The waveforms generated by Harmonix are created by mixing (or superimposing for the more technically-minded) harmonic ...
Truth Counts, Only the Facts
2.6 freeware downloadDustan Soul Adventures, Only the Facts is a Multimedia, Interactive Adventure into he life of Jesus in Nazareth.. It explains how mankind can be saved in ...
MagicPlot Calculator
1.1 freeware downloadMagicPlot Calculator is a free scientific formula calculator from MagicPlot graphing application. A fast and usable calculator to compute complex formulas! Features: Syntax highlighting ...
MagicPlot Calculator for Mac OS X
1.1 freeware downloadMagicPlot Calculator is a free scientific formula calculator from MagicPlot graphing application. A fast and usable calculator to compute complex formulas! Features: Syntax highlighting ...
MagicPlot Calculator for Linux
1.1 freeware downloadMagicPlot Calculator is a free scientific formula calculator from MagicPlot graphing application. A fast and usable calculator to compute complex formulas! Features: Syntax highlighting ...
4.0.73 B816 freeware download... Mathematics functions: ABS, ATAN, COS, EXP, LN, ROUND, SIN, SQRT, SQR, TRUNC and many others; String functions: COPY, REPLACE, POS and many others; Logical functions: ...
eBooksWriter LITE español
2018.8 freeware download... la Booleana; - puedes distribuir libremente, o sea sin tener que pagar regalías, tu e-libros como archivos aeh .exe .epub .mobi y opf; - puedes ...
Wavosaur free audio editor freeware downloadWavosaur is a free audio editor VST & ASIO compatible, it provides all you need for manipulation of your audio files : edit, record, play sounds, ...