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1.4.1 freeware download... programs for extracting this kind of information from protein alignments. This software has been developed by Thilo Muth and Juan Antonio Garcia under the ...
Advanced Pathway Painter
2.31 freeware download... any kind of quantitative data from gene and protein experiments directly within the pathways (colours represent the ... experiment data is done over the gene or protein names and their accession numbers. Furthermore the user ...
Unipro UGENE for Mac
50.0 freeware download... a free visual software solution for DNA and protein sequence analysis. UGENE provides customizable tools for visualization, ... capabilities; Queries to NCBI BLAST and CDD databases; Protein secondary structure prediction using GOR IV and PSIPRED; ...
Unipro UGENE for Linux
50.0 freeware download... a free visual software solution for DNA and protein sequence analysis. UGENE provides customizable tools for visualization, ... capabilities; Queries to NCBI BLAST and CDD databases; Protein secondary structure prediction using GOR IV and PSIPRED; ...
4.321.10549 freeware download... A domain-specific language that allows the expression or protein interactions that can be used to build executable models. ...
Unipro UGENE 64-bit
50.0 freeware download... a free visual software solution for DNA and protein sequence analysis. UGENE provides customizable tools for visualization, ... capabilities; Queries to NCBI BLAST and CDD databases; Protein secondary structure prediction using GOR IV and PSIPRED; ...
2.7.5 freeware download... molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is ... and colour schemes. Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl ...
4.3.14 freeware download... their data. This includes the ability to assess protein and peptide identifications, quantify modifications, and validate results with high confidence. The software's integration with other ...
1.1.16 freeware download... of-the-fly Enrichment Analysis: · Test for over-represented protein features · Select from several statistical approaches · Analyze protein annotations in clusters · Special features for GO ...
MassWiz freeware download... with integrated target-decoy based FDR. It helps in protein identification from tandem mass spectrometry data. It features proteomics, mass spectrometry, target-decoy search, FDR calculation, specificity, ...
SearchGUI for Mac and Linux
4.3.9 freeware downloadSearchGUI is a user-friendly open-source graphical user interface for configuring and running proteomics identification search engines and de novo sequencing algorithms, currently supporting X! Tandem, MS-GF+, ...
Calorie Counter
1.0 freeware download... over 7500 food items, also showing in grams protein, fat and carb content when the Details are selected. After displaying the Details of any item ...
Geneious Basic
6.0.4 freeware download... alignment and tree-building, and includes functions for extracting protein translations, sequence analysis and 3D structure visualization. ... search sequences (with annotations), alignments, phylogenetic trees, publications, protein structures and more! Database integration: · Seamlessly ...
Geneious Basic x64
6.0.4 freeware download... alignment and tree-building, and includes functions for extracting protein translations, sequence analysis and 3D structure visualization. ... search sequences (with annotations), alignments, phylogenetic trees, publications, protein structures and more! Database integration: · Seamlessly ...
1.0 freeware download... of 20-24 nucleotide length that regulate gene and protein expression in plants and animals. MiRNAs have so far been identified mostly by specific cloning of ...
GENtle for Windows
1.9.4 freeware download... - The database should be searchable for a protein/nucleotide sequence - Feature names should be maintained when inverted during ligation - Selection should be able ...
GENtle for Linux
1.9.4 freeware download... - The database should be searchable for a protein/nucleotide sequence - Feature names should be maintained when inverted during ligation - Selection should be able ...
GENtle for Mac OS X
1.9.4 freeware download... - The database should be searchable for a protein/nucleotide sequence - Feature names should be maintained when inverted during ligation - Selection should be able ...
2.0.0b11 freeware downloadA fully developed set of DNA sequence assembly (Gap4 and Gap5), editing and analysis tools (Spin) for Unix, Linux, MacOSX and MS Windows. Features: Sequence ...
3.11 freeware download... conversion of DNA to a RNA or a protein sequence The conversion of RNA to a DNA or a protein sequence Translating a DNA sequence to the amino ...
Unipro UGENE
52.0 freeware download... alignment, assembly, and annotation, supporting both DNA and protein sequences. The integrated algorithms, such as ClustalW, MUSCLE, ... includes tools for primer design, restriction analysis, and protein structure visualization. The 3D molecular viewer is particularly ...
3.9.0 freeware download... a set of custom annotation terms for your proteins, create a set of confidence values for your protein-protein interactions. Cytoscape supports many use cases in ...
Cytoscape x64
3.10.0 freeware download... a set of custom annotation terms for your proteins, create a set of confidence values for your protein-protein interactions. Cytoscape x64 supports many use cases ...
Cytoscape for Mac OS X
3.10.0 freeware download... a set of custom annotation terms for your proteins, create a set of confidence values for your protein-protein interactions. Cytoscape supports many use cases in ...
Cytoscape for Linux
3.10.0 freeware download... a set of custom annotation terms for your proteins, create a set of confidence values for your protein-protein interactions. Cytoscape supports many use cases in ...