Most popular Calculators & Converters freeware downloads
Sicyon calculator
5.8 freeware downloadSicyon is all-in-one scientific calculator for every student and professor, researcher and developer. The core of Sicyon is an expression (VBScript/JScript) calculator with features as: estimate a function using variables, ...
1.2.2 freeware download... in 32 categories. Converber converts everything from length and force to flow and temperature. Features include: .:. Converts as you type, ... will more than likely run on Windows 95 and ME, also. Numerimal requires approximately 150 kB of ...
5.30 freeware downloadCalculator software that can enlarge characters even in a ... / time calculation, also corresponds to a scientific calculator) Features The display of the button can be ...
NiceCalc3 Lite
1.0 freeware download... not only simple functions like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, it performs double precision of results, "simplified" form for binary operations, memory stack operations and customizable buttons. Joystick ...
CalcNote freeware downloadCalculator for simple and complex multi-step calculations using numbers, constants and complex numbers; like in MathCad, only for free; full compatibility with "generally accepted" writing formulas in ...