Windows UWP Apps freeware downloads
Simple Solitaire
1.0 freeware downloadEnjoy the classic game of Solitaire on Windows 8
Word Twist
1.0 freeware downloadPuts your mind to test and lets you become an anagram master
Word Search
1.8 freeware downloadWord Search is your go to word game for Windows 8...
Bubble Star
1.0 freeware downloadA classic bubble shooting game designed for Windows 8
1.0 freeware downloadWorks great on all Windows 8 devices including tablets
Hearts Deluxe
1.0 freeware downloadA comprehensive version of the classic game of Hearts
1.8 freeware downloadPuts you in command of a fleet of futuristic tanks, turrets
Woot for Windows
1.0 freeware downloadSimple and beautiful app for your Windows 8 tablet, Surface, and desktops
freeware downloadBrings all of your pictures and home movies together in one place
Mail, Calendar, People, and Messaging
1 freeware downloadThese apps help you stay in touch and manage your life
freeware downloadListen to more than 1,500 live radio stations
jQuery Metro Plugin
1.1.0 freeware downloadjQuery Metro UI Buttons is a easy way to build websites with a new Metro UI
Grantophone for Windows 8
1.0 freeware downloadThe Grantophone is an extremely expressive and playable musical instrument app.
Cinelab for Windows 8
freeware downloadMake commercial motion picture film and video laboratory on your Win8 device