Windows UWP Apps freeware downloads
StumbleUpon for Win8 UI
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Local Movie Database
freeware downloadWatch movie trailers, images and information about the movie
freeware downloadSelect photo from the FilePicker/ Capture photo from Webcam
Bubble Star
1.0 freeware downloadA classic bubble shooting game designed for Windows 8
Canon Inkjet Print Utility
freeware downloadCheck the printer status and ink model numbers
Impossible Shoota
freeware downloadLevel up your ship by destryoing Sho-dan ships
AppSwitch for Windows 8
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Helium Remote for Win8 UI
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freeware downloadHelps you track weather conditions in ski resorts and airport statuses
freeware downloadBuild his flying machine by collecting gears and feathers
OneNote for Win8 UI
freeware downloadUse your device's pen to draw in your notes as you would on paper
MINE for Facebook
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freeware downloadGet fresh recipe ideas from the Allrecipes collection of tried and true recipes
3D Logo Quiz
freeware downloadA new logos quiz beautifully designed in 3D
Fortune Cookie for Win8 UI
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Store Manager
0.01 freeware downloadDesigned for use by business managers and owners
iScan Fly
freeware downloadSimple and graphical interface made easy for all ages and levels
Cinelab for Windows 8
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Xbox SmartGlass for Win8 UI
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Mau Mau
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Word Twist
1.0 freeware downloadPuts your mind to test and lets you become an anagram master
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freeware downloadThe object of the game is to connect four of one's own discs of the same color
freeware downloadAllows you to play continuous notes on your Windows 8