Widgets freeware downloads
ActiveX Clock
1.5 freeware downloadA digital variation to the default analog clock from Microsoft
S-Energy Manager
2.0 freeware downloadDisplays energy consumption data from S-Energy electric meters
LTA Singapore Road Monitoring
2.2 freeware downloadShows on your desktop or sidebar webcam feeds of the Singapore traffic
Eorzea Clock
1.0.0 freeware downloadDisplays the current time, the time in Eorzea
Namaz Vakitleri freeware downloadAllow users to calculate prayer times for 8000 position
Car Gallery
1.3 freeware downloadCycles through paintings and photos of cars every minute
Eve Server Monitor
1.0 freeware downloadMonitor the status of Tranquility, the primary server for Eve Online MMO
Cloud Notes
1.1.1 freeware downloadSidebar gadget will allow you to store, access and share sticky notes
Critical Translator
1.0.2 freeware downloadTranslate between more than 50 languages
Cloud Drive
1.0.2 freeware downloadDrag & drop your files into Google Doc
Sidebar Radio
2.4 freeware downloadListen to streaming radio from the Google Desktop Sidebar