Launchers & Task Managers freeware downloads

Mz StartUp Manager

3.1.0 freeware download

Application was designed to help users add new applications to startup menu

5 freeware award

Alpha freeware download

Unlike conventional URL shorteners allows you to re-route your links

CrispoMyOwnTech AutoRun Setup

1.0 freeware download

AllInOne autorun setup

AMP WinOFF Portable

5.0.1 freeware download

A utility to automate the shut down, with several modes


5.0.1 freeware download

A utility to automate the shut down, with several modes


1.0 freeware download

Enable or disable the Windows 7 God Mode

5 freeware award

Security Process Explorer

1.6 freeware download

Monitor programs that run on your PC and stop spyware and Trojans.

MuvEnum Address Bar freeware download

The ultimate replacement for the missing address bar taskbar in Windows XP SP3.


1.3.5 freeware download

RocketDock is a smoothly animated, alpha blended application launcher.

Free Launch Bar

2.0 freeware download

Replacement for Quick Launch with menu support

Advanced Launcher

1.41 freeware download

Launch your favorite applications from a button bar or tray icon

FSL Launcher freeware download

Tired for dozen of icons on desktop? Try this simple and intuitive launcher.

5 freeware award


2.71 freeware download

dLauncher is a simple, easy to use program launcher

True Launcher

2.8 freeware download

True Launcher is a simple, easy to use program launcher

Crazy Gecko's Job Scheduler

1.6 freeware download

Create a schedule to start your applications on time