Featured software

ExEinfo PE Win32 bit identifier by A.S.L. ( exe identify & exe tools - Ripper )
Zipping files with exclude files and folders with masks
Designed to scan given folders and extract rar files
All text based files into one batch file!
UPX - The BEST free, portable, extendable, high-performance executable packer
Compress and decompress your files using 7z format
Convert many archives in many other archives
The program CompressIT writes selected files in to one or multiple ZIP-file(s).
Great compression ratio and good decompression speed
Monitor network shared folders and instantly compress any PDF file added in LAN
Experiment the latest and ultimate Packer and Protector of EXE files !
iZip is a FREE powerful archiving utility designed specifically for Mac.
Compress and extract Zip, Zipx, 7zip, Cab, Iso, RAR with PowerArchiver Free!
This software is one of the easiest ZIP tools ever known
Cross-platform, Open Source archive manager and file manager for Linux
Free 7Z CAB ISO RAR TAR ZIP file extractor, decompress 180+ archive formats
Compress and optimize your Images to higher level.
Managing archives and backups similar to WinZip, 7-zip and WinRAR
FAST RAR Extractor software to extract multiple RAR archives for free.
An easy-to-use version of 7-Zip with a few useful features.
Free ZIP files utility, open 7Z ACE ISO TAR RAR ZIP ZIPX archives (200+ formats)
Designed for packing and unpacking files
A multi-compressor of files and folders with UPX, MPRESS, ZIP and 7Z formats