Security & Privacy freeware downloads
Free EXE Password
1.1 freeware downloadFree EXE Password allows you to password protect Windows executable programs.
proXPN freeware downloadA simple means of securing your Internet connection
Smoothwall x64
3.1 freeware downloadAn open source firewall distribution based on the GNU/Linux operating system
0.4.1 freeware downloadA cross-platform application design for an easy use of steganography
SilentEye for Linux
0.4.1 freeware downloadA cross-platform application design for an easy use of steganography
Portable QPass
1.3.2 freeware downloadCreate and manage a password database with this tool
1.3.2 freeware downloadCreate and manage a password database with this tool
Stream Armor
4.1 freeware downloadSmart Tool to Scan & Clean Malicious Alternate Data Streams
SuperPutty Password Decryptor
3.0 freeware downloadFree SuperPutty Login Password Recovery Software
Srware Password Decryptor
3.0 freeware downloadFree SRWare Iron Web Login Password Recovery Software
Ivideon Server for Mac
3.13.3 freeware downloadMonitor your home using your webcam or an IP camera
M Pass Finder
1.0 freeware downloadAn application that reveals passwords hidden under asterisks
1.1.2 freeware downloadStore your usernames and passwords in a single file
Signature Checker
3.9 freeware downloadDesigned to offer users a tool that can quickly check a PGP signature
Free File Wiper
1.91 freeware downloadEasy to use application specially designed to help you delete files securely
0.0.6 B freeware downloadDesigned for storing passwords and small bits of information
Free Porn Blocker
1.0 freeware downloadProgram to protect children from pornographic content on the Internet.
Win KeyFinder
2.05 Final freeware downloadAn intuitive and user-friendly software utility
1.0.5 freeware downloadUnblock websites, hide your real IP, protect your privacy.
4.0 freeware downloadA replacement application for the netstat feature in Windows
Hash Codes
1.62.780.7200 freeware downloadDesigned to enable users to hash data from keyboard
SSL Enforcer
1.29 freeware downloadForce SSL/TLS encryption for any browser or app. Block all unsecure connections.
5.2.1 freeware downloadWipe file contents, clean hard drive and USBs to prevent personal information
MultiPassWord freeware downloadFree software to help user to centralize and manage their password
File Shredder
4.1.2 freeware downloadAllows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive