Network & Internet freeware downloads
Microsoft OneDrive for Android
6.26 freeware downloadEnabling you to keep important files with you anywhere
OneDrive for Mac
21.030.0211 freeware downloadA minimalist status bar menu application
Vuze freeware downloadVuze is the most popular media player for high-res digital videos
XOWA for Mac OS X freeware downloadXOWA is a desktop application for reading and editing Wikipedia offline
XOWA for Linux freeware downloadXOWA is a desktop application for reading and editing Wikipedia offline
XOWA freeware downloadXOWA is a desktop application for reading and editing Wikipedia offline
PuTTYTabManager freeware downloadInitiate an unlimited number of PuTTY sessions
NitroShare for Linux
0.3.1 freeware downloadA cross-platform tool for sharing files over a local network
Semagic freeware downloadA LiveJournal client to help you with your work
Kiwix for Mac OS X
2.1.2 freeware downloadAllows you to surf the Internet offline using the Mozilla framework
Black Menu
23.10.0 freeware downloadProvide access to multiple Google services without opening a new tab
IPMI Browser
0.90 freeware downloadIPMI Browser retrieves data from remote servers using IPMI protocol.
TCP Optimizer
4.1.1 freeware downloadA network connection tweaking tool, optimize the connection speed
Flickr Downloader freeware downloadEasily download entire sets, single or multiple pictures from Flickr
MyConnection PC Lite
4.1a B3112 freeware downloadDisplays a wide variety of information about your Internet connection
1.15 freeware downloadHelps you get a wide range of details about your active WiFi connection
Screens Connect for Mac
4.9.8 freeware downloadMake your computer available from anywhere
Screens Connect freeware downloadMake your computer available from anywhere
Enigmail freeware downloadAdd OpenPGP message encryption and authentication to your email.
Ping Tester
1.7 freeware downloadTesting the availability of your domain or a particular IP address can be easily
WhatRoute for Mac OS X
2.4.0 freeware downloadDesigned to help you analyze and monitor internet traffic
Google Apps Manager x64
5.31 freeware downloadAllows Administrators to control their Google Apps domain and accounts
4.1.5 freeware downloadManage the data stored within their Amazon Glacier acounts
Cent Browser freeware downloadBrowse the Internet with this intuitive and flexible application