Network & Internet freeware downloads

JD's Auto Speed Tester

17.9 freeware download

An easy to use automatic internet speed tester

uTorrent 3

3.6.0 B47124 freeware download

µTorrent is the world's most popular BitTorrent client

Ghostery for Opera

10.4.26 freeware download

Ghostery for Opera: Enhance privacy by blocking trackers and speeding up browsing.

Cucusoft Net Guard

2.3.2 freeware download

A free software to monitor your broadband usage, speed up your Internet speed.

Firefox 15

15.0.1 freeware download

Now with a new look, super speed and more awesomeness than ever!


1.0.4 freeware download

EpubCloud is a combination of the Cloud Storage and EPUB Reader that allows host

Dailymotion Video Ad Blocker

1.5 freeware download

Free tool to quickly Block Dailymotion Video Ads across all web browsers

HakuNeko for Linux

6.1.7 freeware download

Lets you save stories from MangaReader, MangaFox, or other websites

LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor

4.0.2171 freeware download

LinkedIn Recruiter Extractor extracts Leads from LinkedIn and LinkedIn Recruiter

XL Admin

2.37 freeware download

Access private trackers and forums without need to login.

WinSleep Monitor by MollieSoft freeware download

Shows WinSleep programs running on any number of remote computers.

5 freeware award

Free HBO Download freeware download

Free HBO Downloader

IP via Email freeware download

Detecting your computer IP and send via email or through client program portable


Windows10vers freeware download

X-VPN provides a powerful VPN for Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS. It's free! X-V


2.1.3(102) freeware download

PaladinVPN - A Free VPN Service

NoScript for Mac OS X

11.4.29 freeware download

An add-on that allows JavaScript and Java execution only for trusted domains


1.0 freeware download

Magnify webpages as you browse the web to easily read anything.

5 freeware award

Internet Explorer 10

10.0.9200.16521 freeware download

Internet Explorer 10 takes the lead in browser privacy


0.881 freeware download

Popular P2P tool for hooking up to Direct Connect


19.0.0 freeware download

Watch TV directly from your Firefox browser.

Search Plugin Manager (for Firefox tm)

1.03 freeware download

Change the order of the search plugins in Mozilla Firefox.

Novi Search Master

10.4.0 freeware download

Search the web from the desktop

Colasoft Packet Player

2.0 freeware download

Packet Player is a replay tool for open and playback packet trace file.

5 freeware award

NTP Time Zone Clock

1.0 freeware download

NTP time zone clock displays the local time of over 300 cities around the world.

PingTest Graph

1.0.1 freeware download

A lightweight yet effective ping monitoring apps